Is it possible to have milk with gastritis?

Such a disease, like gastritis, is very common today, because modern people, especially residents of large cities, often eat on the run, prefer fast food as snacks, and at home prepare semi-finished products for want of time. But GI disease requires a special diet. Whether it is possible to milk with gastritis, will be told in this article.

How does milk act on the body?

Although all sour-milk products with gastritis are useful, milk, especially fresh, must be used with caution. In the digestive tract, it can cause a fermentation process, as a result of which the patient will experience discomfort, increased gas production, and some will develop diarrhea after taking. But if such side effects are not observed, milk with gastritis can be drunk, but it is better for goats and special benefit it can bring to people with high acidity. This product removes inflammation, soothes irritated stomach walls, eliminating pain and heartburn.

Such useful properties of goat's milk in gastritis are explained by the presence of lysozyme, an enzyme that neutralizes the action of gastric juice. Moreover, with gastritis, you can drink goat milk because it has a healing effect and fights the proliferation of Helicobacter bacteria, which most often provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who are interested in whether it is possible to drink goat's milk with gastritis should answer that it is not only possible but also necessary, because it does not cause side effects such as bloating and diarrhea, and also contains an extremely low concentration of lactose.

The goat product is digested much better from the cow, so it is recommended to drink it even for young children. Gastroenterologists advise drinking a glass of warm milk in the morning before breakfast and in the evening, and also during the day, in small fractions, that is, small sips.