Millet - useful properties

Millet is a purified millet seed, which was previously cultivated in small quantities, because it was called "golden groats", now this food is available for every family. Due to the unique composition, the pancake is especially recommended in the diet for sick people and those who want to lose weight.

The benefits of millet are great for the body, since this croup consists of 15% of proteins, including very rare plant compounds. Amino acids from millet help our body produce growth hormones. Vegetable amino acids are also needed for the construction of antibodies against pathogenic microbes.

The use of millet for the body with edema is noticed, having a mild diuretic effect, it helps to get rid of peripheral edema, therefore it is recommended to use millet gruel to pregnant women.

Because of the small amount of carbohydrates, the peel is allowed to eat people with diabetes. The unique substances contained in the croup have an anti-inflammatory effect on the pancreas, the dysfunction of which causes a disruption in the reserve and cleavage of glycogen.

Millet - useful properties and contraindications

In the composition of millet there are vitamins of several groups and mineral active compounds:

  1. Vitamin B1 , which is actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism, helps in the creation of ATP, that is, it participates in the transformation of glucose into energy. Thiamine is also needed for the qualitative work of cells of the central nervous system - it improves memory and the transmission of nerve impulses.
  2. Vitamin B2 is involved in the life support of nerve cells. It is also necessary for the production of red blood cells, and also promotes the connection of red cells with oxygen. Important riboflavin and for the skin, it protects the skin and the retina from ultraviolet rays.
  3. Vitamin B5 is indispensable in the synthesis of certain enzymes that break down fats and carbohydrates, so it is important for normal metabolism. Pantothenic acid is involved in the formation of antibodies that resist infection.
  4. Phosphorus , contained in the pine, has a strengthening effect on the bones and teeth, it is necessary for the transformation of fats, carbohydrates in ATP, ADP and other energy compounds.
  5. Zinc - is necessary for the production of many hormones, it is important for the enzymatic activity of the pancreas.
  6. Potassium and magnesium are important elements for the birth and conduction of a nerve impulse in the myocardium. They are also needed to transmit the signal over the dendrites in the muscle fibers. These chemical elements are involved in maintaining homeostasis.

It has long been noted that the composition of wheat contains copper, which prevents aging of cells, has a tonic effect on muscles and skin.

Unambiguously improve the immunity of the substances contained in the pine, they are of benefit in the fight against infections. However, the damage of cereals to young children has been identified, since it contains gluten, which often causes a latent allergy. Therefore, to improve immunity in children, millet porridge is better to introduce into their diet after three years.

You can not get carried away by frequent ingestion of millet porridge to people suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis. Since such an ailment arises because of reduced acidity, and a large amount of starch, which is contained in the wheat, promotes a decrease in gastric pH.

It has millet a number of useful properties needed for weight loss - it contains fiber , which causes the intestines to actively contract and evacuate in time, while relieving constipation. Proper work of the intestine leads to the activation of metabolism, since if the intestine works well, then the nutrients are absorbed to the full and they are enough for peripheral cells, in turn, cells lose the "habit" to accumulate fat stores.

There are in vitamins B9 and PP, which positively influence the metabolic processes and help to get rid of excess weight.