Dried apricots - calorie content

The benefits of dried fruits, especially dried apricots, are not discussed by dietitians. Dried apricots, when properly prepared and stored, save the bulk of vitamins and minerals needed in the winter, when there is a deficit of fresh produce. However, in addition to the benefits and harm of dried apricots, people with weight loss are usually interested in its calorie content.

Caloric content of dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots pitted. Caloric content of any dried fruits, including dried apricots, is quite high for those who follow a diet. In 100 g of raisins, for example, contains 260-280 kcal. Caloric content 1 pc. dried apricots - 19-22, and 100 g of this dried fruit contains 230-270 kcal (depending on the type of apricots). This high caloric content of dried apricots is explained by the high content of carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%.

Benefits and harm of dried apricots

The calories that you get from dried apricots will not frighten those who know about its benefits. The mass of vitamins and mineral components prevents avitaminosis and the lack of micro- and macro elements. Pectin and organic acids in these dried fruits contribute to the removal of heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides. Doctors recommend to include dried apricots in the diet for anemia, constipation, malignant and benign tumors, atherosclerosis, heart diseases.

Useful dried apricots and for beauty. A rich composition of dried fruit improves skin condition, returns youth and a tender blush. Despite the high caloric value, a dried apricot is useful for weight loss. If you replace these fragrant dried fruits with more energetically "heavy" sweets, cakes, cakes and other sweets, this will have a positive effect on your forms.

The maximum usefulness is dried dried apricots. Dried fruits , prepared with the help of various chemicals, can harm the body. The correct dried apricot has a brownish shade and a weak shine, unnaturally orange color and gloss are characteristic for "chemical" dried fruits.

Harmful dried apricot is with excessive consumption, tk. it can cause an intestinal disorder. Doctors recommend not to abuse dried apricots and low blood pressure, tk. it lowers it even more.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Fragrant orange berries of dried apricots help to lose weight due to the high content of fibers that purify the intestines and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The active substances that make up this dried fruit contribute to the activation of metabolism and reduce appetite. Compote of dried apricots has a good diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the tissues.

Dried apricots for weight loss can be eaten instead of ordinary snacks. 2-3 berries help to quench a strong hunger, keep metabolism at a high level and calmly wait for a full meal. It is very useful for slimming to add dried apricots in fruit or vegetable salads, oatmeal on water, bake with fish or meat.

Dietitians even developed a mono-diet using dried apricots, which can be used to unload the body. For a single day of mono, you need 300-400 g of dried apricots and apricot juice. Dried fruits should be washed, chopped with a blender and pour a small amount of apricot juice so that the resulting mashed potatoes. The resulting portion of mashed potatoes from dried apricots should be divided into 5-6 receptions and eaten throughout the day. Drinking regime during the mono-diet - 3 liters of clean water a day. Observe such unloading can not be longer than 5 days once a month.

After unloading mono-diet on dried apricots, it is recommended to switch to food with a predominance of protein foods and fresh vegetables. It is necessary to exclude flour, sweet, fatty and canned foods from the diet.