What is gluten and where is it contained?

The composition of food includes not only useful, but harmful substances for the body, so more often manufacturers make different notes on packages. It is important to know what gluten is and where it is contained, since for many this substance is hazardous to health.

What is gluten and what is it dangerous?

By the term "gluten" is meant a group of proteins that are contained in cereals. Among the people there is another name - gluten. In its pure form, this substance is a powder, but when it comes into contact with water it turns into a sticky mass. Due to this property gluten is widely used in the food industry, allowing to keep the shape of the products.

It is important to understand what gluten intolerance is, because such a diagnosis is dangerous. If a person is healthy, then this group of proteins is safe, but there are individuals with individual tolerance, which manifests itself in the form of allergies. This disease is called celiac disease and it is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. If a person has such a disease, then when gluten enters the body, atrophy of intestinal villi occurs. As a result, there may be problems with the digestive system and immunity. There is no celiac medicine, and to recover one should follow their diet, excluding prohibited foods.

What is gluten in the porridge found, now you need to understand what products it contains. These proteins are found in foods made from wheat, oats, barley and rye. They are also in pasta, baked goods, sauces, ice cream, desserts, various snacks, sausages, etc. Talking about what gluten is in food, it's also worth mentioning products that are safe. Today, many manufacturers, focusing on the existence of intolerance to this product, produce products with a sign indicating that these dangerous proteins are not. As for cereals, in which there is no gluten, then their list includes: rice, buckwheat and kinoa.