Puer tea - useful properties and contra-indications of unusual tea

For some countries, tea is a traditional drink: for example, for Chinese people, its preparation and consumption can be called a kind of philosophy. Especially popular is Puer tea, because it has a huge benefit and original taste.

Puer tea - useful properties

In China, the drink is popular not only because of its unusual taste and flavor, but also of great benefit. In Asian countries it is often called "a remedy for a hundred diseases." Useful substances are important for the proper functioning of internal organs and systems. With regular consumption of Chinese Puer tea helps to strengthen immunity, which helps reduce the risk of various diseases.

  1. Favorably affects the activity of the gallbladder and improves metabolism.
  2. Helps cleanse the body and liver of harmful substances.
  3. Another property - improves the digestive system, so that the food is easier to digest, which relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach .
  4. Has a tonic effect, giving a charge of energy. Puer tea will become an excellent alternative to coffee, which has serious contraindications.
  5. Helps to quickly cope with hangover syndrome.
  6. Has a rejuvenating property, which is especially important for women.
  7. It is recommended for ulcers and gastritis, as it has a positive effect on the stomach.
  8. Reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  9. Is the prevention of cancer. Scientists in England have proved that pectin, which is part of the tea leaves, blocks the protein that is involved in oncological diseases.

Puer tea - composition

Leaves have a rich chemical composition, since it contains vitamins and minerals important for the work of the body. There are proteins, amino acids, saccharides and alkaloids in them. Aromatic substances not only give originality to the taste, but also have a positive effect on the work of the body and most of all on the nervous system. For those who are interested in what tea is, what constitutes Puer, it is important to say that there are statins in it, which are preserved even after cooking.

Puer tea - raises or lowers pressure?

The rich chemical composition of the leaves causes a number of important useful properties, so their usefulness for hypotenics is proved. If you firmly brew fermented tea, you can increase the pressure. People who have elevated blood pressure should give up the drink, since this can negatively affect the activity of the cardiovascular system. It is clear that Puer tea and hypertension are two incompatible concepts, but it is important to consider that it is necessary to choose Shen variety. Theine, which is a part of leaves, promotes the expansion of blood vessels and improves oxygen exchange.

Puer tea - how to brew?

One brew is designed to prepare 5-15 servings. At a time you should brew a single amount of Puer tea, useful properties and contraindications which are confirmed by doctors in different countries. For the traditional method of preparation, special dishes are used. Gaiwan is a deep cup with a lid, but instead you can use a small teapot, 150 ml in volume. A strainer helps to avoid getting small pieces of tea leaves. Still need a chahay, intended for mixing, and a bowl. There is a definite scheme for how to make Puer tea:

  1. First, soak dry tea leaves, for which you should take into account that 10 g should account for 100 ml of water. To do this is necessary, using gaiwan. Soaking time - 5 min. After the time has elapsed, rinse the water.
  2. In a large kettle, boil the water and pour it into the thermos. Brewing is carried out when the temperature of the liquid is 95 degrees.
  3. Weld the tea with water from the thermos and immediately drain it. Use liquid to rinse cups and chah.
  4. The welding should remain in the cover under the cover for 30 seconds. Under the influence of temperature and vapors, the leaves swell.
  5. Pour a new portion of water, and after 10 seconds. you can pour puer into cups. The next brewing should last for 2 seconds. less. Each subsequent preparation can be longer than the previous one.

How to make Puer tea pressed in tablets?

The product in tableted form is produced in the Chinese province of Yunnan and it is distinguished by small leaves of brown and blue. The amount of tea in one tablet is for one person. After brewing, the liquid turns dark brown and it has taste and benefit, as well as the case of using the sheet variant. There are certain rules how to brew pressed Puer tea, which give an opportunity to get the original taste and aroma.

  1. Take a tablet and gently stir it to prevent damage to the leaves, as a result of which the tea will become bitter.
  2. Pour a kettle from porcelain or glass with boiling water. Pour the leaves and pour them with hot water, the temperature of which depends on the age of the pu-er (fashion - 80-90 degrees, aged - 85-95 degrees, old - 98 degrees).
  3. After 20 seconds. The water must necessarily be drained and wait until the leaves cool slightly.
  4. Pour the leaves again with water and leave for a couple of minutes. After this, strain the tea and pour it into another teapot.
  5. Welding is allowed up to ten times.

Puer tea - the effect of intoxication

Many people confirm that after having drunk tea, a feeling similar to the sensation appears, as with a slight intoxication. It is worth saying that Puer is not a drug and it does not cause addiction. The information that after the drunk cup there is an ambiguous feeling, this is a fact, but this can not be called "intoxication" in the literal sense of the word. Relaxing Puer tea is able to tone the body, which leads to a clearing of the mind, clarity in the thoughts and a feeling that it became easier to breathe. This is due to the presence of certain substances.

  1. Thein . Stimulates brain activity and maintains a general tone in the body.
  2. Theophylline . It has an effect on the central nervous system, changing the mental state, so contraindications relate to serious problems with the nervous system.
  3. L-Theanine . Provides the correct transfer of impulses between brain cells and increases efficiency.

What is the taste of Puer tea?

The taste qualities depend on the raw materials used, the preparation process and on the constituent polyphenols and their oxidation products. Puer tea, useful properties and contraindications which is important to take into account, so as not to harm your health, has a tart and multifaceted taste, so you can distinguish a note of wood, walnut and prunes. After use, there remains a sweet-tart aftertaste with slightly palpable bitterness. Many people are interested in what Puer tea smells, and so everyone can feel the fragrance in different ways. Often it is compared with chernozem, fish and even socks.

How to drink Puer tea?

Many people are accustomed to drinking tea with cakes, jam and other goodies, but this habit is not suitable for those who want to enjoy and taste the puer. The Chinese do not recommend the use of any additives. Traditionally, the drink is poured into bowls and drunk in small sips to enjoy the taste and aroma. To get not only taste pleasure, but also useful properties, Puer drink, given some rules.

  1. You can not eat tea in large quantities, so it is better to limit yourself to three small cups a day. Experts recommend to listen to the prompts of your body in order to exclude contraindications and, if necessary, reduce the dosage.
  2. Since Puer has an invigorating effect, it is best to drink it under dinner. With evening use, insomnia may occur. He is drunk in 20 minutes. before and after eating.
  3. Puer tea, useful properties and contraindications found by Chinese doctors, should not be used with sugar, as it not only spoils the taste, but also worsens the benefits. In extreme cases, you can use a little honey.

Green Puer tea for weight loss

For those wishing to cope with excess weight, the original Chinese drink will be an excellent way to improve the results from proper nutrition. Puer tea, useful properties and contraindications of which are checked by scientists, favorably affects the activity of the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism and promotes better digestion of food. It helps to normalize acidity, reduces the amount of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. Puer tea for weight loss is useful for its useful properties, cleanse the body of harmful substances and reduce appetite. He is also a good antidepressant for those who are on a diet.

How to drink Puer tea to lose weight?

There are two methods of use, which will help start the processes of wastage of stored fats in the body. For the first option, it is necessary to brew mature tea with boiled water and insist half an hour. Ready drink drink before meals and half an hour after it. Combining Chinese Puer tea for weight loss with desserts is prohibited. The second option involves replacing one of the meals with a useful tea.

Puer tea - contraindications

To drink does not harm the body, it is important to consider that for some people it is dangerous. Contraindications concern women in the position and during the feeding, so they should limit the amount consumed. For those who are interested in what harm Puer tea is, it is important to know that it should be abandoned by people with ulcers, gastritis, hypertension and atherosclerosis. You can not drink it in large volumes with stomach and fasting illnesses. Contraindications apply to children.