Plant of carrots - useful properties and contraindications

Carrots are a unique root vegetable, it contains a lot of vitamins, and even its tops are used for cooking various dishes. Useful properties and contraindications of the carrot tops were known to our grandmothers and grandfathers, and many recipes for its use in cooking were invented more than a century ago and passed down from generation to generation.

Useful properties and contraindications to carrot leaves

Useful properties of carrot leaves, which are confirmed, including scientific research, are:

  1. High content of B vitamins. These substances have a positive effect on digestive and metabolic processes, cells of nervous tissue. In the treatment of neurological diseases, doctors necessarily prescribe the B group vitamins , so the dishes with the tops can be used as a prophylactic against such ailments.
  2. High content of vitamin C, an indispensable assistant in the treatment of influenza, cold and strengthening immunity.
  3. The content of potassium, calcium and vitamin K. Both substances help to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of osteoporosis , such properties of carrot leaves make it indispensable for people over 40, after all, when this age is reached, the listed diseases are manifested most often.
  4. The content of cellulose and chlorophyll, they perform the blood cleansing function, strengthen the peristalsis of the intestine, purify adrenal tissues from poisons. These useful properties of the tops of carrots are difficult to overestimate, modern man gets so much harmful substances that timely cleansing of the body of toxins and poisons is simply necessary.
  5. The content of porphyrins, which have a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland and positively affect sexual function.


If you decide to use the tops of carrots, it is important to remember that not all doctors recommend eating it. It is proved that this product contains strychnine, cocaine and caffeine, which are dangerous. Having eaten the dish with the tops, you risk not only not to benefit, but also to harm your health, so before using this greens, be sure to consult a doctor, and never use a product that is not sure. These precautions will help not regret your decision.