What does ice cream look like?

To see in a dream this dessert, as a rule, promises good luck. However, to say exactly what ice cream is dreamed about, it is possible only if you clearly remember all the details of sleep. After all, in many respects the interpretation of the vision will depend on various details, for example, if you ate this milk delicacy yourself, or the person saw someone else buying and eating ice cream. Also, the explanation of the dream will depend on who saw this dream, man or woman.

Why dream a lot of ice cream for a woman?

If an unmarried girl has seen in a dream a large portion of a seal , she should wait for the appearance in her life of a fan. This vision promises a long and tender relationship, which, perhaps, will lead to a wedding. If such a dream is seen in a woman who already has a fiancé, then the upcoming family life will be very successful, love and mutual understanding will prevail in her. Especially good omen is considered to see such a dream before the wedding or engagement.

When ice cream in the hands of a girl melts in a dream, the relationship with a loved one can end badly, and some dream interpretations interpret this vision as an omen of an upcoming quarrel that could lead to separation.

Delicacy, a dream of a married woman, often promises her the fulfillment of an old dream. This can be both a solution to material problems, and an unexpected gift, which she had long dreamed of.

Why dream of choosing ice cream?

If a man in a dream can not determine what kind of ice cream to buy him, it means that he can not understand with which girl he wants to continue the relationship. Often such dreams are visited by guys who meet simultaneously with several women. The plot of sleep in this case can suggest the right solution. If any of the girls helps to choose ice cream in a dream, according to the dream books, it is worth staying with her.

A woman who chooses ice cream in her sleep at the store can expect that soon a fan will appear in her life. If it's a dream of a lonely girl, then most likely, she will have a romantic relationship with several men at the same time.

Why dream of buying ice cream?

Bought in a dream delicacy promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. If ice cream is not purchased for yourself, then in life there will be a bright band, especially when a person in a dream gives ice cream to a child.

A man buying ice cream for a girl in a dream can wait for a romantic adventure that ends with a wedding or an engagement. If the guy dreamed that a man bought and gave him this dessert, then soon he will be promoted to office or an unexpected monetary prize.

Why is chocolate ice cream?

This dessert, a dream of a man, says that he is in the near future waiting for a sexual adventure. If such a dream occurred to a girl, then she should pay attention to her nearest environment, because among the people she knows, there is a boy in love with her.

When a person imagined that a child is eating ice cream in his sleep, then luck is close - that's what this plot looks like. This is a very good omen, after such a dream you can wait for the arrival of a bright band in life, the resolution of all problems and unexpected gifts of fate.

It is especially fortunate to see such a dream on the eve of important events, for example, leave for a vacation, or a meeting, or an interview. The more a portion of ice cream in the hands of a child, the longer a person will be accompanied by luck and luck. If the delicacy is also sprinkled with chocolate, then a person should prepare for changes in life, which, however, will only be for the better.