Why can not you look in the mirror at night?

An accidental look in the mirror at night can cause unpleasant emotions, and if you try to look at something in the mirror in the dark, you can generally experience stress. Why you can not look in the mirror at night, experts in the field of parapsychology know.

Why can not you look in the mirror at night?

In the legends of many peoples, including the Slavs, the mirror is the entrance to the other world, where in ordinary conditions there is no passage alive. Therefore, it is safe to look in the mirror during the day. However, at night other rules come into effect, therefore it is impossible to look in the mirror.

In the old days people believed that at night the door to the other world is ajar, and a person looking in the mirror can see the inhabitants of the "looking-glass". And only in such a case it is possible not to get rid of fright - evil entities will not miss the moment to energize the living.

In the mirror, one can not look at night and because of the view that otherworldly entities can find their way from the parallel world to the living world. And what can do such a creature, you can imagine only in a terrible dream.

Why can not you look in the mirror at night by candlelight?

Ancient wisdom says - if you look in the mirror at night with the light of a candle, you can invoke a variety of problems, ranging from diseases and ending with serious troubles. A live candle fire in many situations protects people from evil, evil eye and other troubles. However, in the "devilish" hour - from midnight to 3 o'clock in the morning - the light of a candle in a mirror can call the master of the other world and open a passage for him. And even if the devil is not visible, unpleasant consequences, and even in multiple sizes, can not be avoided. From the mirror, which was looked at by candlelight, it is desirable to get rid, because the attention of otherworldly forces to this "passage" into the human world is doubled.

Why can not you look at the broken mirror at night?

Broken mirrors at night are fraught with even more danger than whole, they are not recommended to watch either day or night. The fact is that the fragments of a mirror repeatedly and completely differently refract light, and according to ancient traditions - and the soul of looking at it. At night, in the ghostly light of the moon or a candle, a delicate mirror is inflicted serious damage on a person's thin body, he can get very sick.

How to clean the mirror of the accumulated negative?

Mirror in any case accumulates negative information, even if at night, nobody looks at it. Therefore, experts in the field of esotericism recommend that from time to time to clean all mirrors in the apartment. The simplest, but effective way is to rinse the mirror with salted water, which will wash away the negative energy.

In a mirror you need to look only in a calm and good frame of mind, so that they absorb negative emotions as little as possible. despondency, anger, anger can be reflected and come back, having amplified repeatedly. From the mirrors that have become "witnesses" of serious incidents, it is advisable to part with no regrets - it is unlikely that they will be cleared anyway.

It is also wise to have a mirror in the apartment. It is impossible that the sleeping man, the front door, should be reflected in him. It is undesirable to put a mirror in the nursery, too. Kids are least protected from negative effects.

Those who are afraid of night mirrors, you can advise only one thing - stay away from them. A person with a developed imagination in front of a mirror in the dark can have different visions that are unlikely to have a positive impact on his mental health. A sensitive person can come up with so much negative that some troubles will necessarily come true - because what you expect, you usually get.