Why not have sex during menstruation?

The period of menstruation is not considered the best time for sexual intercourse. Many couples do not even think about why you should not have sex during menstruation. These days they just rule it out. But some people do not see anything that can interfere with intimate relationships with menstrual discharge. Opinions on this subject are divided. Because it is worth considering this issue and understand some of the nuances.

The reasons why you can not have sex with menstruation

There are several points that will show that sexual intercourse at this time is better to exclude.

Women's physiology should be considered. The cervix is ​​slightly opened during menstruation, and blood is an excellent substrate for the development of bacteria. All this increases the likelihood of infection. Also, deep penetration can cause abundant bloody discharge. In the period of menstrual stress is not recommended, and sex presupposes active actions.

There is also a risk for men. In their urethra, menstrual discharge from the woman's vagina can get. And this can lead to inflammation.

It should be noted that critical days for many girls are associated with poor health. A woman can complain of pain in the lower back or abdomen, spasms. These states do not contribute to the enjoyment of intimacy.

The answer to the question of why you can not have sex, when there are menstruation, some will be called an unaesthetic sort of discharge. Indeed, possible blood stains, as well as a specific odor, may not allow you to relax and even cause a feeling of disgust.

Many believe that critical days are exactly the time when sex does not lead to an unwanted pregnancy. But the presence of menstruation does not give such a guarantee. It all depends on ovulation, whose advance is difficult to predict. Of course, there are certain standards, but even a healthy woman may have deviations. Ovulation can occur sooner or later, as well as not one but two. Therefore, one should not rely on the monthly, as a reliable method of protection.

In search of an alternative, some couples are wondering whether it is possible to engage in anal sex with menstruation. At first glance it may seem that menstruation does not affect this kind of intimacy in any way. But it should be remembered that during sexual intercourse the E. coli may end up in the vagina, cause inflammation. After all, women are more susceptible to infections during this period.

Some are concerned about whether it is possible to have sex at the end of menstruation. If the couple listens to the arguments, it is better to wait until the menstruation is over.

But the answer to the question, whether it is possible to have sex before menstruation, will be affirmative. Sexual contact on the eve of critical days can not do much harm. The main thing to remember about methods of contraception.


Since there is no firm prohibition of intimate intimacy during critical days, some people are not going to give up pleasure in this period. If you consider all the arguments about why you can not have sex during menstruation, the couple still decided on this, it is better to take into account some of the nuances: