How to care for a land tortoise - rules and important nuances of content

Considering the question of how to care for a land tortoise, it is necessary to distinguish several main points. It is important to properly organize a reptile habitat, regularly conduct all hygienic activities, and carefully monitor the diet.

What do you need to keep a land tortoise?

One of the necessary conditions for keeping the house of the land tortoises is the arrangement of a comfortable habitat for it - the terrarium . Many owners make the mistake of allowing turtles to crawl freely on the floor, this way of keeping pets has negative sides:

During their maintenance in the terrarium, the bugs swarm in the ground, gnaw items made from special abrasive material, winter in specially created conditions for this. Terrariums are equipped with instruments to create the right temperature, shelters that allow land tortoises to feel comfortable, resting from unnecessary human attention, and the owners are given the opportunity to take care of animals more easily.

Land tortoise - the temperature of the contents

The content of the land tortoise at home does not cause difficulties, these animals are viable and unpretentious, adapt easily to a new habitat, it is not difficult to take care of them. But some rules that approximate reptiles to natural living conditions, it is necessary to ensure. Turtles, accustomed to a warm climate, will most conveniently be in the terrarium, where the temperature is maintained at + 25-35 ° C. For this purpose, use an incandescent lamp, placing it in the corner opposite to the shelter house.

Terrarium for the land tortoise

Before setting up a terrarium for a land tortoise, determine the number of future residents, this will affect its size, consider the growth of turtles and buy a terrarium with a margin. Provide reptiles with free movement space, which should not be cluttered with unnecessary objects. Contain and care for land tortoises is easier, and their living will be most comfortable in a spacious horizontal terrarium, the width of which is two to three times greater than the breadth in it, the largest pet.

Equipment for the terrarium of the terrestrial turtle

To create good conditions for keeping a land tortoise in a terrarium, it should be equipped with special equipment:

Special terrarium lamps are installed to light and heat the terrarium, they also help to produce vitamin D from reptiles and better absorb calcium. If you deprive the terrestrial turtles of ultraviolet rays, their shells will soften, there will be a risk of rickets, there is a risk of getting fractures. Capacity for bathing fill with warm water 1-2 times in 10-14 days, for water procedures, its level should reach the neck of the turtle. Feed the dish away from the lamp, filling it with food for 2-3 hours.

Ground for the tortoise in the terrarium

The content of the land tortoise of the house requires the obligatory presence of soil in the terrarium, otherwise the extremities of the animal will be deformed, the claws will wear out, abrasions may appear, and there is a danger of catarrhal diseases. The optimal thickness of the soil is a layer of 3-8 cm, consisting of coarse gravel, sawdust, hay (or a mixture thereof), it needs to be changed once in 3-4 weeks. You can use ready-made, purchased soil, it's easier to change, so it's easier to care for turtles, and in the terrarium will be cleaner.

When preparing a dwelling for tortoises, make sure that dangerous objects that can injure animals do not enter it. For the entertainment of pets, place in the terrarium flat stones or driftwood, which the reptiles will be comfortable to climb. Selecting a convenient primer for land tortoises, pay attention to the size of its components, they should be such that the animal can not swallow.

Care for the land tortoise

Care for the land turtle at home, as well as for other pets, includes some necessary rules that ensure a correct way of life:

  1. Bathing. It is necessary as a cleansing from dirt, in addition, it brings great pleasure to the tortoises.
  2. Grinding and pruning of claws. To care for claws - you need a special claw, you need to remove the light portion of the claw, in the dark are the blood vessels.
  3. Keep the terrarium clean. The timely replacement of soil, treatment of the terrarium itself with detergents, soda solution will ensure order and prevent the emergence of infectious diseases.
  4. Provision of microclimate . Support for stable temperature and humidity, are necessary for a comfortable stay in the terrarium.
  5. Performing the exercise. In summer, when the weather is warm and dry, arrange turtles for a walk on the lawn, where soft grass or gravel is growing.
  6. Rational selection of proper nutrition.

Caring for the shell of a tortoise

Asked how to take care of the land turtle at home, many inexperienced owners try to lubricate the shell of the tortoise with cosmetic or cleaning products. At once we will notice, these actions harm, as beauty and health of a shell cover depend on the correct maintenance, leaving and a food allowance. Various oils, lotions can clog under the peeling of the cover or remain in the pores of the shell, block air access and attract bacteria because of its stickiness.

Knowing how to properly care for the shell of a land tortoise, when a white coating appears on it, remove it by wiping the surface with lemon juice or Lugol's solution. If the tortoises begin to exfoliate individual shields on the shell, it is a signal about getting into the body of an infection or fungus. At the first signs of exfoliation, contact the veterinarian, it is possible to prescribe a special agent designed to lubricate the reptile carapace.

Feeding the land tortoise

The better the care for the land tortoise at home and the more varied the feeding, the less there will be problems about her health. The main diet (up to 85%) is food of vegetable origin (vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries). In order for the reptiles to feel normal and develop properly, add 5% of the total volume of animal food (earthworms, snails) to feed them. Vitamin supplements and cereals can make up to 10% of the volume, be sure to add calcium preparations, they are necessary for the correct formation of the shell.

Watching the behavior of your pet, in time you will understand how to care for the land tortoise, what she likes, and what causes inconvenience. Gradually changing the living conditions and improving the contents of the terrarium, making a rational and tasty menu, you will find the best solution for creating comfortable living conditions for your pets.