Milbemakes for kittens

Helminthiasis is a disease that can affect both people and animals. Helminths, or simply worms, are a fairly common form of parasitic worms, whose eggs are found on the surface of the earth and below it, in water, on poorly washed vegetables or fruits, in raw meat or fish. These are parasites that feed on blood and destroy the tissues of the animal's organs. Their vital functioning is also accompanied by the release of substances that poison the body of the affected.

Even if your kitten is a homebody who has never been on the street, for him, nevertheless, there is a chance of catching helminthiasis. After all, if you carefully monitor the quality of the products you can, then ensure that you did not bring eggs to the house of helminthes on shoes, clothes or hands, unfortunately, not. And it is important to recognize the symptoms of this disease in time.

Milbemakes for kittens photos

Signs of infection with helminthiasis

There are 82 species of worms capable of parasitizing cats. The presence of most of them signals the absence of appetite in the kitten, vomiting and relaxation of the stomach. Other evidence may be obvious discomfort of the animal when trying to touch his tummy, swelling, discharge with blood or fragments of helminths, hair loss, cramps, general lethargy, coughing and shortness of breath ...

Helminths can affect the heart, lungs, liver, gall bladder and intestines of the kitten. It is not superfluous to note that more than a third of these parasites are dangerous for humans, so close contact with an infected pet can lead to unpleasant consequences for the owners. However, it is possible and necessary to combat helminthiasis. Milbemax for kittens and young cats "is a helminthic agent that promotes both the treatment of helminthiasis and its prevention.

Milbemax preparation - composition and recommendations for use

Milbemax for kittens and young cats "includes, in particular, substances such as milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. The first of them paralyzes the nematodes - round parasitic worms, settled in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal - as well as their larvae. The second substance has a similar effect on both the nematodes and other common species of helminths - bandworm cestodes; in the long run, dead parasites are excreted from the kitten's body naturally.

You can give Milbemax to both adult cats and kittens; for the latter it is applied from six weeks of age. It is recommended to do this - once - during the morning feeding, combining the tablet with a small amount of feed. If the animal protests against such an idea, it remains to put a pill to him on the base of the tongue and check that he really swallowed the medicine. For kittens weighing from a pound to a kilogram, half of the pink Milbemax tablet is required; with a weight of one to two kilograms - a whole tablet.

Milbemax is a remedy for kittens, which has proven itself in the matter of getting rid of worms, but it is necessary to carefully study the contraindications noted in its instructions. It should not be used if the kitten is exhausted or sick in a given period. The same applies to the situation with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. And, of course, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the composition of the drug - in spite of the quality of Milbemax as an anthelmintic for kittens, an individual animal may have an individual intolerance of one or another ingredient that will lead to an allergic reaction.