Dog Weimaraner - Breed description and basic care rules

Description of the dog breed Weimaraner provides comprehensive information about the nature, appearance and habits of this animal. But he can not convey the beauty and charisma possessed by the clever four-footed hunter and the faithful friend - the dog of the Weimaraner breed.

Weimaraner dogs

Ashy-gray color, amber eyes, slim, tight body - allocate weimaraners among other hunting dogs . The breed is rare and highly valued in the cynological world. The animal is easy to train, has excellent intelligence, is friendly and very energetic, but in the absence of adequate upbringing becomes an uncontrolled destroyer. Description of the Weimaraner breed determines the character of the dog as kind and faithful, not tolerating solitude and separation. Sick dogs are seldom, with proper care live to 11-13 years.

Weimaraner - the history of the breed

Unusual appearance and excellent hunting instincts gave birth to many legends about the origin of this breed. Officially weimaraners were recognized in 1869. But historical reports give references dating back to the thirteenth century. They say that the Weimaraners became favorites of the European nobility, after returning from the failed crusade of Louis IX. If we believe the works of Gaston de Foix, the king returned with a pack of more than 10 individuals of gray-blue dogs. Animals instantly acquired the noble status of blue blood.

The Weimaraner breed, as specially bred in the Weimar suburb of East Germany, was first mentioned in 1850. She was not recognized by dog ​​handlers for a long time, having received her own name, the dogs were positioned as a hybrid or cull. Only after 30 years, representatives of Weimaraners began to participate in exhibitions, and only after 16 more years they obtained the status of an independent breed.

Weimaraner is the breed standard

Dogs of the Weimaraner breed are wonderful hunters, they are agile, fast, can walk noiselessly. Such qualities are due to the constitution of the body. The standard characterization of the Weimaraner breed looks like this:

Weimaraner character

By its nature, this dog is a hunter, therefore it is very difficult for it to exist in the jungle of megacities. An animal can not cope with instincts - a dog can take a trace on the street and escape, ignoring passers-by and transport. Pet Weimaraner will be an order of magnitude better in a private house with a large courtyard, where he can actively frolic in the afternoon, and at night or in bad weather to bask in the room. If the animal lives in an apartment it needs to be walked around for a long time and qualitatively, so that the dog could splash out energy.

The breed of Weimaraner - the character and habits of this dog are noble. Being always next to his master, the dog does not like to remain alone or in the company of another animal. He is loyal and friendly to all family members, if necessary he will become a defender, he will never offend a child. The absence of aggression towards a person makes him a bad watchman. But in terms of learning the silvery dog ​​has no equal, possessing excellent intelligence the dog willingly performs commands, can take part in rescue operations or become an escort of a person deprived of hearing or sight.

Dog Weimaraner - varieties

The Weimaraner breed has three varieties, which are officially recognized and have the right to participate in exhibitions. Dogs are classified according to the type of wool cover and coloring, the remaining characteristics remain identical for all species of the breed. According to the type of wool, we can distinguish:

By color:

Long-haired Weimaraner

Until 1935, the long-worm weimaraner was considered a cull. In the "family" a dog with a long and wavy fur was accepted only after she attracted the attention of the Austrian writer Ludwig von Merey. Now longhaired dogs are included in the standard, their color varies from silvery to mouse, there are pants and stripes, on the tail there is a beautiful suspension. There is another variety, very rare - it is a straight-weimaraner. Such individuals are distinguished by wool consisting of two layers: a thick undercoat and long even upper hair.

Shorthair Weimaraner

Dogs of this subgroup have a short, hard, tightly fitting to the skin of the hair without undercoat. Their hair is very thick, but in the cold season the animals are freezing, so they need additional equipment, in rainy weather the dog should be more comfortable walking in a raincoat. According to the description of the breed, the short-haired weimaraner on the head and ears may have a color lighter than on the body.

Wireworm Weimaraner

The Weimaraner breed with hard wool was taken out specially, for this the representatives were crossed with drathaars. Such an experiment was conducted in Czechoslovakia, but it can not be called successful, because as a result the dog lost some breed features. Officially, the wool-haired weimaraner was recognized as a separate breed by the Slovak wool-haired pointer.

Weimaraner - colors

Weimaraner coloration is considered a bright indicator of thoroughbredness. The standard provides three shades:

Hunting dog Weimaraner - care and maintenance

The content of the Weimaraner is laborious work, beyond the capacity of a constantly employed person. The dog needs attention and walks, during which she could give a way out of the accumulated energy. Weimaraner, the description of the breed warns, requires special food and a temperature regime. If the dog lives in a house or apartment, where there is a lot of warm and dry air, it will begin to molt intensely, the odor of the dog will not be indicative of the errors in nutrition. Dogs should be regularly bathed and combed, ideally to take a pet by dog ​​sports.

Weimaraner - care

Healthy and vigorous pet weimaraner, according to the description of the breed, will be subject to properly organized care, which includes a number of mandatory procedures:

Weimaraner puppies - care

To the question of how to choose a puppy of a Weimaraner we need to approach thoroughly, focusing on the pursued goal. For further breeding and participation in exhibitions it is necessary to choose pure-bred individuals without defects with an excellent pedigree, as pets and a companion, pets without a claim to a stellar career will be suitable. About your wishes, you should immediately notify the seller, who is interested in the fate of their pets.

After purchase, the puppy, pulled out of the habitual situation, will experience stress, this must be taken into account and be patient. Ideally, keep the animal's habitual diet and regime, not aggravate the period of adaptation by showing guests, obsessive touches, learning commands. A small veymaraneru will be easier to learn by himself, gradually get acquainted with the new owners and smells.

Weimaraner - feeding

Nutrition of the dog is an important component of her health. Weimaraner, the description of the breed confirms this, can not eat up the scraps from the master's table. His diet should be right and balanced. At the discretion of the owner, you can feed the dog with specialized premium foods or natural food. In the dog menu, the presence of the following products is desirable:

The diet should be divided, depending on the age of the dog can eat: