How to determine the tone of the uterus?

The concept of the uterine tonus is known, perhaps, to the majority of those who gave birth and even never were pregnant women - if not in practice, by hearsay.

What are the sensations in the tone of the uterus?

Often, it is possible to recognize and determine the tone of the uterus independently, as it is clearly felt as pulling pains and heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the lower back as with the menstrual period. Pain in the tone of the uterus is accompanied by the petrification of the abdomen - it's easy to feel, slightly pressing it with your hand.

Therefore, usually there are no questions with how to feel the tone of the uterus - such discomfort can hardly be overlooked and missed.

How else can I determine the tone of the uterus?

If you observe similar symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy , you should seek medical help. To confirm the diagnosis, a woman is vaginal examination and examination of the abdomen, sometimes an ultrasound may be required.

In addition, there is a special apparatus that measures the force of contraction of uterine myometrium. However, it was not widely used, because the tone of the uterus is already quite easy to determine.

Than to remove a tone?

In order not to lose precious time, you can take a no-shoe pill along the way to the doctor. Doctors in these cases usually prescribe drugs of vitamins B6, as well as sedatives - motherwort, Magne-B6. Sometimes additionally prescribed are calcium blockers, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to medicinal treatment, the woman is shown physical rest, a full sleep, a lot of fresh air, positive emotions, a normal mode of work and rest. If outpatient treatment does not help, a woman can be offered treatment in a hospital - "for preservation". In the hospital under the close attention of doctors it will be possible to learn more about the causes of hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy in order to eliminate them.