Fluorography in pregnancy - what is a dangerous examination, and is it worth it?

At the onset of pregnancy, many studies become a contraindication for a future mother. Doctors, fearing for the development and health of the future baby, resort to alternative methods of diagnosis. Thus, fluorography in pregnancy is prescribed in extreme cases, if there are certain indications.

Fluorography - what is it?

Hearing this term, women are often interested in doctors about what is the fluorography of the lungs and for what purpose it is carried out. The basis of this method of investigation is the effect of X-rays on the body - the ability to penetrate the tissue, creating a shadow image on a film carrier. In fact, this is the same X-ray, but the dose of irradiation with this method is less.

Fluorography can be used not only to diagnose the state of the respiratory system. With its help, doctors determine the pathologies of the heart, the organs of the mediastinum. Among the violations that help to identify the fluorography:

What determines the fluorography?

Thinking about the purpose of the appointment, the girls often ask the doctor about what fluorography reveals. The spectrum is diagnosed by this method of pathologies is wide. Often, fluorography is used as an additional study to clarify the available ultrasound results. Among the diseases defined by this survey:

Fluorography - radiation

For many patients it is very important to know what radiation fluorography has on the body. Their fears are not unfounded - X-rays affect the body negatively, especially on the fetus. However, doctors say that modern fluorography devices have minimal radioactive effects on the body, without causing harm to overall health and health.

So, for a single procedure of film fluorography, the body receives 0.5 mSv (milisivert). For comparison: when carrying out a film X-ray film to the study area, the body receives 0.3 mSv. The most dangerous from the point of view of the effect on organs of radioactive irradiation is computed tomography (CT). The most safe of existing methods of X-ray examination is digital fluorography - only 0.05mSv. This technique is used when fluorography is performed during the current pregnancy.

Fluorography - indications and contraindications

In many countries, this study refers to mandatory annual surveys. Thus, doctors are carrying out preventive maintenance of a tuberculosis, revealing disease at early stages. However, in some cases, the survey is mandatory and conducted immediately. Patients are assigned fluorography, the indications for the implementation of which are the following:

Fluorography is often performed during pregnancy planning. As for contraindications, there are no absolute prohibitions on the implementation of fluorography. The study is undesirable when:

Is it possible to do a fluorography during pregnancy?

Among doctors there is no unequivocal opinion. Some argue that this study is categorically prohibited throughout the term, others say that it is possible to do fluorography during pregnancy, but for long periods. In this case, all physicians are in favor of the inadmissibility of carrying out a survey at short notice, up to 20 weeks. X-rays affect negatively the processes of intrauterine development.

How does fluorography affect pregnancy?

Fluorography during pregnancy is carried out only in the presence of certain indications, when other methods of diagnosis are powerless or it can not be replaced. Fears of doctors are associated with the effect of the radiation field on the fetus. Passing through tissues, the cells of which are at the stage of development and division, X-rays damage from the inside. The gene apparatus is damaged most of all, therefore, fluorography during pregnancy can provoke chromosomal abnormalities.

Radiation is able to tear and deform the DNA strings, so fluorography during pregnancy in early terms is contraindicated. In parallel, there is a partial ionization of water in the cells. This leads to the formation of a large number of radicals, which have high chemical activity (H + and HO-). These structures attack nucleic acids and cell proteins, ripping them into separate parts. The result of such an impact is cell death or the formation of a mutant structural unit.

Is fluorography dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy?

Doctors respond positively to this question. At the same time, it is noticed that fluorography in the early stages of pregnancy is especially dangerous - the consequences of this type of examination can be sad. Under the influence of X-rays, there is a violation of the implantation process , which occurs on the 7-12 day from conception. It is impossible to completely exclude the influence on the processes of intrauterine development, as a result of which the risk of spontaneous abortion increases several fold.

Why do you need fluorography?

Becoming on the account on pregnancy and sorts in female consultation, the pregnant woman should give the conclusion on inspection passage by the spouse. This raises the question as to what is needed for the fluorography of the husband. Doctors in such a way exclude the possibility of a hidden course of tuberculosis, which for a long time does not appear externally. If the family has a pregnant woman with relatives who have had this disease, the doctor may ask for the results of their examination, and the fluorography of the husband during pregnancy is mandatory.

What can replace fluorography during pregnancy?

Unwanted during the gestation of a baby, fluorography in the early stages of pregnancy can be replaced by a digital X-ray. Thus, doctors can significantly reduce the radiation dose. In some cases, it is possible to perform diagnostic manipulation with the help of an ultrasound machine. Taking into account another principle of the device operation, doctors use the method when it is necessary to examine internal organs, such as: