Belly 14 weeks pregnant

Future moms are very sensitive to the changes that occur with their figure in the waiting for the baby. Most women look forward to the moment when their "interesting" situation will become noticeable for everyone around them, and some, on the contrary, try to hide this fact as long as possible.

For many expectant mothers, visible changes appear for the first time at the 14th week of pregnancy. It is at this time, when the second trimester is just beginning, the tummy of the beautiful lady is rounded, so that it is already difficult to hide the "interesting" position.

What does the belly look like at the 14th week of pregnancy?

At 14 weeks of gestation, the future baby takes the entire uterine cavity and starts to rise higher. As a rule, at this time a woman in an "interesting" position has a small tummy that acts as a hill. Nevertheless, the appearance of the figure of the future mother is influenced by many different factors. So, in particular, whether the belly is visible at the 14th week of pregnancy, depends on the following circumstances:

Thus, the size of the abdomen at the 14th week of pregnancy, or rather, large or small, depends on many factors, therefore it is impossible to foresee how the figure of the future mother will change in this period. Although most women at this time already see the changes taking place with them, some women are beginning to worry if they do not have a stomach at the 14th week of pregnancy. In fact, in the overwhelming majority of cases, there is nothing terrible in this, and you just need to wait a little, so that the figure can acquire new outlines.

Is it dangerous to reduce the abdomen during pregnancy at 14-15 weeks?

In some cases, women may notice that their belly unexpectedly became small at the end of 14 weeks of pregnancy, although before that, he had stood out prominently from under any clothing. This situation often frightens future mothers, but in reality it is explained very simply.

So, at the very beginning of the waiting period of the baby under the influence of growing progesterone, most women experience flatulence and, as a result, bloating. At a period of 14-15 weeks, the maintenance of fetal activity is carried out by the placenta, and this problem recedes, as a result of which the waist circumference of the future mother may somewhat decrease.