High pulse in pregnant women

When a new life arises in the womb, the organism of the pregnant woman tries to do everything possible to ensure the full development of the fetus. The body as if completely changes its rhythm and adapts itself to the needs of the future baby.

Therefore, when the pulse becomes rapid during pregnancy, it is not necessary to panic immediately. Because there are certain norms for increasing the pulse during child bearing, which do not threaten the health of the mother and baby.

Rate of heart rate increase during pregnancy

In a person in the ordinary state, the number of heart beats per minute is sixty to eighty beats. Together with this work of the heart, the body provides itself with oxygen and other necessary substances.

But in pregnancy, women have a higher pulse, because the body has to work for two. After all, the baby needs constant oxygen supply, which he receives through the blood.

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the child is completing the process of laying down vital organs and systems. It is during this period that the baby most in need of a large amount of oxygen and other useful substances.

When the baby is born, the volume of the pregnant woman's blood increases, resulting in the heart having to work harder to disperse all the blood. Accordingly, the pulse becomes more frequent. Usually, in pregnant women, the number of heart beats increases to one hundred beats per minute, and in some cases up to 115 beats. Such an accelerated pace of cardiac contractions doctors call a physiological tachycardia .

Symptoms accompanying increased heart rate during pregnancy

There are cases when in pregnancy a large pulse is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting . If the increased pulse is accompanied by these symptoms, then you need to see a doctor who will determine the cause of a pregnant woman's poor health. Sometimes such symptoms may indicate heart disease requiring diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Pulse in abdomen during pregnancy . Such a pulse most often occurs in the lower abdomen and may be weak or strong. One explanation for this phenomenon is the movement of blood along the aorta. Sometimes the cause of pulsation can be a baby's hiccough. Pulsating can appear at any time and pass rhythmic movements. If there is no pain or other unpleasant and disturbing sensations with such a pulsation, then there is nothing to fear.
  3. Weakness and dizziness . Such symptoms can be accompanied by hypotension and loss of consciousness. You need to see a doctor for normalization.
  4. Lack of air . Such a phenomenon can harm a baby, because in his body will receive a small amount of oxygen, so you need to ensure a constant airing of premises and more to be in the fresh air.

Causes of increased heart rate during pregnancy

The causes of tachycardia during the period of bearing a child can be:

How to reduce the pulse of pregnancy?

To reduce the pulse during pregnancy, you should not take any medications that can harm a child. Replace drugs can have a sound sleep, good rest, breathing exercises. It is necessary to exclude nerves and strains.

If the pulse does not decrease in this mode, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor who will advise the drug according to the state and term of pregnancy.