Hematoma in pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, women are faced with such a violation as hematoma. Most of all, its presence indicates that a partial detachment of the fetal egg has occurred in the uterus , which in turn threatens the termination of pregnancy. In most cases, hematoma during pregnancy occurs in its early stages. On average this is 5-8 weeks. Let's take a closer look at this disorder and tell about the features of hematoma treatment during pregnancy.

Because of what there can be a hematoma while bearing a baby?

The reasons for the formation of a hematoma with a seemingly normal pregnancy, many. Most often, it is caused by genetic disorders, changes in the hormonal background, infectious and chronic diseases, excessive physical exertion, and also sex.

If we talk directly about the process of formation of retrochoric hematoma during pregnancy, then it occurs as follows.

As a result of exposure to the external egg of external or internal factors, it gradually begins to separate from the walls of the uterus, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the vessels in this place. As a result, a blood clot forms, which is nothing but a hematoma.

It is necessary to say that according to the results of the conducted studies, the purpose of which was to determine the cause of the disorder, it was found that approximately 65% ​​of patients with this pathology had such a disease as thrombophilia. In other words, thrombophilia is a kind of predisposing factor for the development of hematomas, including in the uterus.

How is hematoma manifested during pregnancy?

Having understood, from what and how the hematoma is formed during pregnancy, it is necessary to say about the main symptoms of this disorder.

So, the main signs that testify to the possible presence of a hematoma in the uterine cavity are:

As for the last symptom, it is observed only when the hematoma begins to sip out its contents, as physicians say, "emptying". In this case, ultrasound clearly shows that the hematoma that occurred was sharply reduced in volume.

If, with the already detected hematoma, a woman observes the appearance of scarlet blood from the vagina, this indicates only an increase in the area of ​​detachment of the fetal egg, which is accompanied by uterine bleeding.

What are the consequences of having a hematoma during pregnancy?

The first question asked by pregnant women with this disorder concerns what can be dangerous for the hematoma during pregnancy.

Doctors, in the first place, focus patients' attention on the size of the hematoma itself. The greatest danger is borne by those hematomas, the content of which exceeds 20 ml, and by the area they occupy more than 35-40% of the surface of the fetal egg.

In such cases, there is often a violation of the development of the embryo, which manifests itself mainly in slowing its growth. In addition, there is a high probability that further detachment will occur.

However, it should be noted that in most pregnancies in the occurrence of retrochoric hematomas, which were detected in time, it is possible to avoid the consequences described above.

How is treatment carried out?

Quite often it happens that such an education, like a small hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy, resolves itself. In this case, doctors monitor it in dynamics and make sure that it does not increase in size.

If the volume and size of the hematoma increases after a certain period of time, surgical intervention may be prescribed.