Filo dough - recipes

It's easier to buy ready-made frozen filo dough in a store than to do it yourself: dozens of the finest layers of buttered dough, after baking turn into a crisp multi-layered base for your favorite baking. It is about the recipes from the test of Philo and will be discussed later.

Baklava from filo test

If you do not know what to make from the dough, then start with sweets, and even more specifically - with a baklava recipe based on the filo-traditional Greek variation of this fine confectionery based on honey and nuts.


For syrup:

For the test:


We start with the syrup: place all the ingredients in the saucepan and set it on medium heat. Cook the syrup, stirring, until the sugar crystals dissolve. The main thing is not to allow the syrup to boil until the sugar dissolves completely, otherwise the latter will begin to burn and crystallize. After, boil the syrup for 10 minutes, remove from heat and strain. Let it cool down.

While heating the oven to 160 ° C, unfold the dough layers and lay them on a damp kitchen towel. We spread 6 sheets of phyllo on a baking sheet, promazyvaya everyone melted butter. Rinse the nuts with sugar and spices, pour half of the mixture onto the base of the dough, cover with two more filo leaves, and distribute the remaining stuffing. Next, cover the nuts with 6 oiled layers of filo.

The top of the baklava is cut into diamonds by means of a sharp knife and put the pan in the oven. Bake baklava an hour, and immediately after the extraction from the oven, water the syrup and leave to cool completely.

Fish in a test filo - recipe

It's no secret that sweet pastry made from filo is delicious and crunchy, but what about the main dishes?



Finely chop the vegetables and pass them on half the butter. We water the frying with honey, do not forget about the salt with the paprika. The fish, cleared of bones and skin, is also cut with straws of medium thickness.

The oven is heated up to 190 ° С. Divide the dough into 8 squares, grease each of them with butter and connect it with the next one. We divide the filling between 4 bases from the dough, connect the edges of the dough in the center and put the "bags" on the baking tray. We bake portioned pies for 15 minutes.

Orange pie from filo dough



Dough filo collect the lumps and put on the bottom of 20 cm form, leave to dry 3 hours.

Beat eggs with yogurt, 125 grams of sugar, butter and orange peel. Add the disintegrant, pour the mixture over the base of the dough and cover with 3-4 layers of filo on top. We bake the cake at 180 ° C for 50 minutes.

In the meantime, cook caramel on the basis of orange juice, a glass of water and the remaining sugar. In the syrup we put cinnamon and orange slices, cook everything until thick and remove the stick of cinnamon. Pour the syrup over the pie and leave the latter to cool completely.

Cheese cake made of dough filo



Spinach let in a dry frying pan, cool and mix with cottage cheese, sour cream, feta, nuts and eggs. We roll the dough into a layer and completely lubricate it with the resulting filling. Fold the dough into a roll, then add the "snail" and place it in a frying pan. We bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° C on duty.