Relaxing day on grapefruit

A fasting day is always good for the body. Including, if they are regularly and correctly used for weight loss. At the moment, at the height of popularity was the unloading day on grapefruit.

The benefit of grapefruit unloading days is that it relieves the human body. Grapefruit is rich in fiber, vital vitamins and other trace elements. But most importantly, it contains enzymes that promote fat burning. Unloading on grapefruit, thanks to the content of essential oils in it, improves digestion, stimulates metabolic processes and facilitates the processing of food.

Such a grapefruit diet get rid of excess fluid and decay products from the body. In this regard, you quickly clear your body and lose weight. The most important thing is that if you prefer mono day on grapefruit, you will not feel fatigue, lethargy and apathy, since this fruit includes components that suppress a bad mood.

Variants of unloading days

There are several options for unloading days, their principle is quite similar. It consists that you need to eat before each meal one grapefruit, such reception will give a signal to an organism that that was reserved by zhiroshigajushchimi enzymes. The caloric content of such a day of unloading should not exceed 800 Kcal.

Many girls help to lose weight on a fasting day on eggs and grapefruit . This method is used by Madonna, Sophia Loren, Anita Tsoy and others. The secret is that these two products perfectly harmonize with each other, positively affecting the metabolism. Sample menu such unloading, which is three days:

  1. Breakfast : half a grapefruit, 1 hard boiled egg, rye bread, tea or coffee.
  2. Lunch : half a grapefruit, 2 hard-boiled eggs, without bread. You can drink tea with lemon.
  3. Dinner : 1 grapefruit, 2 eggs, coffee or tea.

Unloading days: benefit and harm

Unloading days are not allowed for lactating mothers and pregnant women. General malaise or any other illness is a reason to wait with a day off. With liver disease, diabetes is also prohibited to practice unloading days. To ensure that the days of delivery are the desired result, regularity is necessary. But any fasting is a stress for your body, in this regard, spontaneous holding of unloading days will produce the opposite effect - the body will need to accumulate supplies for a "rainy day".