Bruises under the eyes - reasons

Almost every one of us at least once encountered the appearance of dark circles and swelling under the eyes. And some at all have received such "gift" by right of succession. But for sure, no one will argue with the fact that the bruises under the eyes - this is a significant aesthetic disadvantage for a woman with whom it is necessary to fight, and, preferably, not with the help of corrective cosmetics. But before you start looking for healing techniques, you should find out the reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes.

Causes of bruising under the eyes

In the beginning we will consider the "harmless" causes of bruises and bags under the eyes, the elimination of which will not present special difficulties and can be carried out independently. So, it can be the following factors:

  1. Stress, emotional overstrain - can lead to a failure of the release of toxins from the body, as a result of which the functioning of the circulatory system is also disturbed.
  2. Lack of sleep - as a result of prolonged disturbance of normal sleep and rest, the skin becomes paler, and therefore blood vessels under the eyes, where the skin is thinner, become more pronounced.
  3. Lack of vitamin C , necessary for the normal functioning of capillaries.
  4. Smoking - causes vasoconstriction, which worsens the enrichment of the skin with oxygen, resulting in its bluish tint.

One of the frequent causes of permanent bruises under the eyes are features of the facial structure that are transmitted genetically. Namely, this is due to the too thin skin of the lower eyelids and the close passage of capillaries and blood vessels that appear through the eyes and create a blue under the eyes.

Causes of severe bruises under the eyes

Expressed, too noticeable bruises under the eyes, not related to the above factors, may indicate a variety of diseases, including serious ones:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia - with this disease the skin becomes pale, dry, thinned. Therefore there are bruises under the eyes.
  2. Chronic kidney pathologies are a common cause of the appearance of black bruises under the eyes. This is due to the fact that in disorders of kidney function there is swelling, including in the eye area. And because of the accumulation of subcutaneous fluid, the skin acquires a darkish shade.
  3. The pathologies of the cardiovascular system are also a frequent cause of the appearance of bruises under the eyes, which in most cases is associated with the widening of the vessels, which become more noticeable under the skin.
  4. Diseases of the liver - violations in the liver cause, as a rule, the appearance of yellowish bruises. This is due to the fact that as a result of pathological processes in the liver, the excretion of toxins and toxins is disrupted. As a result, the shade of the skin changes, blood circulation is disturbed.
  5. Allergic reactions in the body are also a possible cause of bruising under the eyes, sometimes with a red tint. Such a reaction can occur on food products, medicines, dust, plants, animal hair, etc.
  6. Disturbance of skin pigmentation - with sensitive skin due to, for example, prolonged exposure to UV rays, dark circles under the eyes may appear.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes?

To make sure that the darkening of the skin under the eyes is not a sign of serious pathologies, and to find out the cause of their appearance, you should visit a doctor and pass the diagnosis of the organism. Only after this, the specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment, eliminating the root cause of this deficiency. If the problem is not related to pathologies, it is usually possible to solve it with the help of a full rest and cosmetic procedures, including home treatments.