22 examples of sincere friendship among dogs

As Cicero said: "In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship. To exclude from life a friendship is the same as depriving the world of sunlight. "

And indeed, life would not seem so important if nature did not reward living beings with the ability to be friends. Although the search for a best friend is not an easy and painstaking task, it's worth it. And while people with small steps approach the knowledge of multi-faceted friendship, our younger brothers have long known the whole essence of relationships. And this post is a verified confirmation of this. Look closely at these touching pictures of dogs that have felt the sincerity and reliability of their friends.

1. Dog friendship does not know boundaries and contradictions. And most importantly, she is 100% sure that love, like a flower, dissolves on fertile soil, fertilized by friendship.

2. Only in dogs, mutual support wins hearts, so no trip to the veterinary office looks like a frightening horror.

3. The most pleasant moment of friendship is to share a moment of mischief with a friend.

4. The protection and support of the little in friendship is of paramount importance.

5. And how nice to know that a friend, completely and completely, shares your interests.

6. Or, as an alternative, your long agonizing conversations about nothing.

7. Curiosity, shared with a friend, does not seem so shameful. On the contrary, the unknown attracts much more.

8. Dogs can boast of the ability to build ideal friendly families in which love reigns.

9. Friendship allows you to find like-minded people in your favorite pastime.

10. Sometimes, friendship calls to treat small people almost like their own children, closing their eyes to what is happening.

11. Selfies are doubly more fun, if there is a best friend next.

12. A faithful friend will never leave in trouble, even if the misfortune is contrived.

13. And if suddenly the world around us take up arms against a friend, only the comrade will substitute his shoulder.

14. The dream turns out so sweet and serene, when the barrel of the friend lies side by side.

15. Joint photos of dogs, connected by friendly ties, always turn out beautiful.

16. It's hard to find a nicer kiss in the whole world.

17. Love for one's neighbor is inherited. After all, in the family, friendship is embedded in the genes.

18. A vivid proof of inseparable friends who will not live together for a day without each other.

19. Almost from the cradle in the dogs a friendly attitude to others is brought up.

20. And this persists to the very gray.

21. The most insane projects do not seem so strange, if there is someone ready to try any ideas from a furry head.

22. Yes, and in general, dog friendship is a strong concept that does not lend itself to discussion!