Berries of juniper - 6 ways of using fruits for beauty and health

Juniper berries are the fruits of the evergreen plant of the family of cypress Juniperus communis, which translates from the Celtic as "prickly." This prickly healer was mentioned in the writings of Avicenna, today juniper (veresa, juniper, black grouse) with medicinal purposes is cultivated in Italy and Hungary and is used throughout the world.

The fruits of juniper - the chemical composition

Painted in black and purple with a wax coating, the fruits of juniper are essentially cone-berries. Both fresh and dried they contain a significant amount of nutrients for which they are valued. Among the most valuable components of juniper berries contain:

Juniper berries - medicinal properties and contraindications

To fully answer the question of how useful juniper berries, have to spend a lot of time, because the list will be truly endless. Juniper is not without reason called a prickly rescuer, a medic - this plant can be used in many emergency situations when there are no other medicines at hand. For example, smoke from burnt branches and juniper needles in the old days was disinfected with rooms where sick people were. Crushed juniper berries were applied to wounds and ulcers for disinfection and rapid healing.

Juniper berries - medicinal properties

Before using juniper berries, the benefits of which are unconditional, it is necessary to clarify the presence or absence of individual intolerance. This can help a doctor who, in addition, will help to choose the optimal dosage of the drug from juniper berries. The fruits of juniper - useful properties of preparations from this raw material:

Fruits of juniper - contraindications

Thanks to an impressive list of useful properties, one may wonder - is it possible to eat juniper berries constantly and remain always healthy. The answer to this question is no, uncontrolled and prolonged reception of juniper berries can lead to the appearance of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Preparations from juniper fruits take courses and a break for a month is absolutely necessary. Prohibited juniper preparations for nephritis and nephrosis, during pregnancy - since there may be an increase in the tone of the uterus and miscarriage, with hypertension.

Fruits of juniper - billet

Healing juniper fruits can be purchased at the pharmacy or procured independently. In food and for treatment, only the fruits of juniper are collected, but there are many varieties. Juniper grows in small-leaved coppice and pine forests, often in open areas. Since juniper "likes" habitats with good ecology, it should be sought away from cities and large enterprises.

When to collect juniper berries?

Juniper is common, the fruits of which are ripe for application in folk medicine, it is necessary to search in September. By this time, the juniper berries acquire the necessary coloring - from green to black-violet with a wax coating. If a variety of juniper is prickly - you need to stock up on gloves. You can pick berries one by one from the bush, or you can spread the canvas under the bush and shake the plant. Ripe berries will fall on the fabric, and they will only need to be cleaned from needles and debris before further processing.

How to store juniper fruit?

The collected juniper fruits are dried before storage. To do this, the raw materials are laid out in one layer on a flat surface in a well ventilated room with a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. When the berries dry up to 40-45% of the original volume, they can be stored for storage. Pack dried juniper berries in wooden boxes or paper bags and leave in a cool dry place. Under proper storage conditions, dry juniper berries will be usable for 3 years.

Fruits of juniper - application

Useful properties of juniper fruits can be useless or even dangerous if you do not know how to take juniper berries correctly. The course of taking any medication - 1-2 weeks, the doctor can more accurately answer this question, but it is important to remember - continuous reception of a preparation from juniper fruits is dangerous. Berries of juniper application:

  1. Juice from fresh juniper berries relieves heartburn and flatulence, improves digestion, stimulates bile production and has a diuretic effect. Take 1 tbsp each. 3-4 times a day. Juice can wipe the skin to get rid of acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  2. Juniper berries contain a large number of antioxidants and rid the body of harmful free radicals, so many oncologists try to chew dry juniper berries from cancer - 1-2 berries 3-4 times a day. Such treatment is useful for arthritis , cardiovascular diseases.
  3. The flesh of juniper berries helps to get rid of skin infections - bacterial, yeast or fungal infections.

Tincture of a juniper

Prepare a tincture of juniper berries on vodka or alcohol - this is one way to preserve the beneficial properties of natural raw materials. Juniper tincture is convenient to take, it has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, healing, tonic, analgesic properties. Outwardly tincture of juniper is used for grinding with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, with neuralgia it is added to the bath - 4-5 tablespoons. When bruising and bruising tincture is used for compresses - tincture impregnate gauze, put on a sore spot and wrap for 3 hours.

With a dry cough and bronchitis, tincture of juniper (1 tsp) is added to a glass of warm milk with honey, the medication is taken in the morning and in the evening for the dilution of phlegm. With angina, tincture can be added to rinse water - 8-10 drops. With pyelonephritis, 1 tsp. Tinctures can be added to a glass of warm water and taken 2-3 times a day. It is forbidden to tincture berries of juniper with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenal ulcer, erosive gastritis.

Tincture of juniper on classic vodka


Preparation and use

  1. Berries chop the cracker or blender, pour into a jar.
  2. Pour the raw material with vodka.
  3. Seal the jar tightly, insist 3 weeks in a dark place.
  4. Tincture strain, pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Juniper broth

Decoction and tea with juniper berries are used for joint diseases, gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis both externally (adding to the baths), and inside - 2-3 times a day. In the baths, a decoction of juniper is added for lichen, ulcers, furuncles, wounds, scrofula, scabies. Well-established decoction of juniper berries for gastrointestinal problems - with nausea, stagnation of bile , flatulence - half a glass 2-3 times a day. With toothache and scurvy broth rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day. You can not take a decoction of juniper fruit with acute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys.

Decoction of juniper berries for ingestion


Preparation and use

  1. Berries pour boiling water, boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Infuse the remedy for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain.

Decoction of juniper berries for outdoor use


Preparation and use

  1. Berries pour boiling water, boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Infuse the remedy for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain and pour into the tub.

Oil of juniper berries

Essential oil is the most valuable extract of juniper berries, possessing a huge number of useful properties. 2-3 drops of juniper oil can be added to massage oil and used for eczema, acne, scabies, varicose, arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, trauma, sprains, paralysis, muscle weakness. A few drops of essential oil, added to the bath, help improve the tone of the vessels, normalize blood pressure, lower blood sugar , relieve muscle pain. For the treatment of herpes and fungal infections - oil lubricate the necessary zones.