Treatment of stomach with potato juice

Certainly, few people had to hear about such a medicine as potato juice. Traditional medicine has discovered this remedy for a long time. Although potato juice very effectively heals the stomach and helps to cope with various diseases, this unusual medicine has not yet found wide application.

Features of treatment of stomach with potato juice

The root vegetable contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. And in the laboratory, it is impossible to obtain an equally effective combination.

Medicines prepared on the basis of this vegetable, can be used as an anesthetic, laxatives, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment of gastritis or stomach ulcers with potato juice helps to eliminate all the symptoms of the disease. And if the therapy is carried out correctly, recovery will occur in a short time.

Starting treatment of the stomach with potato juice, you need to know a few nuances:

  1. Do not use aged or green potatoes to make medicines. Are not suitable for medicinal purposes and vegetables, on which sprouts appeared.
  2. Potato juice very quickly spoils, so you need to prepare it immediately before the reception.
  3. It is best to prepare a drink from pink roots.

The recipe for cooking potato juice for the treatment of stomach ulcers

There is nothing complicated here:

  1. First you need to wash the vegetable.
  2. And then either crush it in a juicer, or rub it on an average grater and squeeze it through a gauze cloth.

To drink potato juice for the treatment of stomach ulcers should be a glass a day on an empty stomach. Standard treatment schemes are seven for seven or ten for ten days. To complete recovery, you need to go through three such courses. But positive changes will be noticeable after the first few days.