How to transplant lilies in the fall in another place?

Lilies like many gardeners. They majestically decorate homestead plots, and the huge variety and availability of planting material of hybrid varieties makes their cultivation a real treat.

However, inexperienced growers at first may have questions - how correctly and how often do you need to transplant lilies, in the autumn or at other times of the year? With all these questions we will try to help you.

Can I transplant lilies in the fall?

The need to dig out lilies depends on the variety and your desire. For example, it is highly desirable to annually excavate lilies from groups of Asian hybrids and LA hybrids. They form a lot of children, which need to be planted, if you want to preserve the decorativeness of the mother plant.

But the lilies of groups of Eastern and OT-hybrids are not necessary to dig out every year. Little children are formed on them, so the reason for the transplantation can only be the desire to move them to another place of growth.

But back to the question of the timing of transplantation. So, the optimal period for lilies is the period from late August to early September. Of course, in many respects it depends on the climatic conditions of the region where you live and grow lilies, as well as from plant variety.

In the middle belt, the time for digging up the bulbs is as follows:

All the bulbs taken out of the land require immediate planting to a new place of growth. They are stored for a very short time, and then only if they are covered with moss-sphagnum and keep in a cool place.

How correctly to transplant lilies to another place?

Dug bulbs should first be carefully examined for the presence of diseases. Healthy bulbs do not have stains and damage, they have an even color. All diseased bulbs must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.

Answering the question about how to transplant lilies in the fall in another place, It must be said that you must select the right site for transplantation with all responsibility. For lilies you need a sunny flower garden, as open as possible to the light. In the shade, they will feel uncomfortable, which will affect the abundance of their flowering.

Also important is the quality of the soil: it should not be heavy and loamy. Stagnant moisture can lead to the death of plants.

Plant the bulbs at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters from each other. Do not need to fertilize them with fresh manure, as this is fraught with the development of gray lily rot. All the groups of lilies are located at a distance of forty centimeters from each other.