World Contraception Day

The first time World Contraception Day was held on September 26, 2007. The initiators of his proclamation were numerous world organizations that devoted their activities to important issues and problems of the reproductive function of mankind. This day was the start for a large-scale campaign aimed at implementing information and educational activities aimed at reducing high rates of unwanted pregnancies.

Every year in the whole world, regardless of the level of development of individual countries, a huge number of women go to such a radical measure of getting rid of a child, like an abortion . Due to various unfavorable factors, millions of them die without transferring the operation. The rest are faced with such problems as: infertility, postoperative complications, stress and so on. It is also sad that the majority of abortions are made informally, which violates statistical data and does not show the seriousness of the situation in general.

Events for the holiday of contraception

The holiday of contraception is a long marathon, in the framework of which not only women but also men who have reached reproductive age get to. The main measures are aimed at awakening the consciousness of young people who become parents at a time when they are not ready for it physically or morally.

Today World Contraception Day takes place in all developed countries of the world. Noteworthy is the fact that very often the organizers of events aimed at educating people become the same youth. In the process of celebration behavior, attempts are being made to convey to the masses the importance of the problem of timely application of contraceptive methods as the best option for preventing pregnancy and infection.

The most pressing problem facing organizers and founders of the holiday is low awareness of people about existing methods of protection from unwanted fertilization and diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse.

For today, the day of contraceptives, celebrated on September 26, is held with the use of such social events as charitable concerts, free consultations of specialists in the field of gynecology, educational and informational lectures in educational institutions, work with young people in clubs and discos.