World Day of Temperance

The world day of sobriety and struggle against alcoholism is celebrated on September 11. He is more than a hundred years old. And before the revolution in our country on the initiative of the Church on this day, even the sale of alcohol and wine products was banned.

Alcohol addiction is a big problem in modern society. It is dangerous for those who drink alcohol, for their surrounding and descendants.

Alcohol generates multiple psychological and physical diseases and worsens people's quality of life, a person loses his personality, dependence can lead to premature, often shameful, death. Abuse of alcohol causes divorce , women can give birth to children with various diseases. Among the causes of alcohol abuse in the first place is social. To help people cope with such dependencies, this memorable date is set.

Only sober humanity can develop

The fundamental goal of the world day of sobriety and the fight against alcoholism is an appeal to the community to combat the use of alcoholic beverages.

Actions for the world day of sobriety include actions, information actions, on which data on the dangers of alcohol abuse are being expanded. This day is called to remind the society what values ​​in it should become really important - sobriety, family, healthy way of life and decent offspring.

Conferences and seminars, sports and cultural events are held by religious and government organizations around the world.

On this day, anyone should think about it, a teetotaler - how to help someone cope with this problem, the drinker - to get back to a normal life style, and officials and doctors - about the responsibility for the citizens for which they work. Only sobriety allows our children, grandchildren and society to become happy.