Salad with chicken and croutons

Salad is just an ideal meal for busy and eternally hurrying, somewhere people. They are very quickly prepared, but as a result, the dish is nutritious and satisfying. Let's find out with you the recipes for cooking salads with chicken and croutons, which will perfectly decorate and complement any table.

Salad with smoked chicken and croutons



So, to prepare a salad of chicken with rusks and cheese first prepare all the necessary ingredients. Vegetables are thoroughly washed with water, then wipe them dry with a paper towel. Next, take the cucumbers, cut them first in half along, and then into several pieces along the entire length and shred small cubby. Tomatoes are simply crushed in cubes, and radish - in circles. Now we take up the chicken breast : we clean it of bones, remove the skin and cut the fillets as small cubes. We put everything in a deep bowl and mix it. We rub cheese on top of a large grater and add crispy croutons. Just before serving, we put mayonnaise in a chicken salad with cheese , crackers and tomatoes, mix it and enjoy its delicious taste.

Chicken salad with croutons and beans



Chicken fillet washed, dried, cut into thin strips and fried in warmed vegetable oil to light golden color. Onions are cleaned and finely shredded. Carrots washed, cleaned and rubbed with straw on a large grater. Then fry the vegetables on the remaining oil in the frying pan until soft. Beans are thrown in a colander and washed with water. Now mix in a salad bowl chopped chicken fillet, canned beans, onions and carrots. Add finely chopped dill, spread crackers and dress with mayonnaise. Mix everything and put the salad in the refrigerator for 30 minutes for impregnation. Before serving, decorate it with dill sprigs!

Chicken salad with croutons and Pekinese cabbage



So, first we take the chicken fillet and boil it to the full preparation in slightly salted water. Then carefully take out the meat, let it cool down and disassemble the fibers. In the frying pan pour the vegetable oil, fry the chicken fillet until the appearance of a rosy crust. Now let's make crisp bread crumbs. To do this, cut the bread in small identical cubes. Again, reheat the frying pan, put a small piece of butter on it, wait until it melts, and then add the chopped clove of garlic. As soon as you feel the aroma of garlic, we lay out immediately the cubes of white bread and fry them until the appetizing crispy crust and golden color appear. This time, cut together with green onions Peking cabbage, pour into a deep salad bowl and add chicken fillet. We fall asleep with crackers and we fill a salad from a chicken with crackers and cabbage mayonnaise. If necessary, add a little dish and mix well.