Gallbladder polypus - symptoms and treatment

However sad it may be to realize this, many people have to diagnose the symptoms and start treatment for the polyp of the gallbladder. This is a common problem, which is not easy to cure. In women after 35 she is diagnosed somewhat more often. But men also have to find a disease from time to time.

The main signs of polyps in the gallbladder

Polyps are called benign neoplasms. They appear on the mucosa. Round tumors can occur in almost any organ. In the gallbladder, they form when bile stagnation is observed. There are several basic varieties of polyps:

  1. Cholesterol swelling very often on ultrasound is confused with these polyps. But these are pseudotumors, which are nothing more than a clump of cholesterol.
  2. Inflammatory neoplasms are also false.
  3. Benign adenomatous tumescences and papillomas are considered to be real.

The big problem is that the polyps in the gallbladder do not give any symptoms. Basically, patients learn about their diagnosis after an accidental examination. And only in very rare cases, neoplasms can cause the appearance of painful sensations in the epigastric region, intolerance of individual foods and dishes.

Drug treatment of polyps in the gallbladder

Most experts are sure that to cure polyps, wherever they grow, without surgical intervention it is impossible. Therefore, no universal drug therapy has been developed.

Cholesterol polyps in the gallbladder, some doctors treat Ursosan or homeopathy. In parallel with taking medication, patients are strongly advised to follow a diet. In a day, patients should consume no more than 2000 kcal. In food, there must be a sufficient number of proteins. From the diet will have to be deleted:

You can replace these products with:

When treatment of polyps in the gallbladder without surgery is impossible?

Surgical intervention is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. If the polyp does not exceed a centimeter in size, it is followed by ultrasound scanning every six months. And when the neoplasm begins to increase in size, it should be removed immediately.
  2. If the detected polyp immediately was more than a centimeter.
  3. A dangerous phenomenon is the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. Once they become apparent, the tumor should be cut.

Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder with folk remedies

  1. Simple and very, as practice shows, a useful non-traditional remedy - a piece of black bread, soaked in unrefined oil with garlic. It needs to be eaten every night before going to bed, and soon the polyps will begin to decrease in size.
  2. Extremely useful herbal preparations. A good remedy, for example, is obtained from infusion on tansy, marigolds, elecampane, wormwood.
  3. Popular treatment celandine. On the basis of the plant, you can prepare a variety of different medications. Such infusions and broths are taken on a tablespoon three times a day. Some folk healers add chamomile to them.

The recipe for treating polyps with mushroom raincoats


Preparation and use

Mushrooms are poured with vodka and left for a week in the dark and cool. After a lapse of seven days, the liquid is decanted, and the mushrooms are cut into small cubes and mixed with honey. The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator and eaten on a tablespoon after eating.