Sunburn skin - treatment

Painful sensations, redness, sensation of heat - sunburn is an unpleasant condition that comes due to excessive exposure to UV rays on the skin. If the treatment is not started on time, lesions can be serious and skin defects (erosion, ulcers, etc.) are formed. So what can you do to treat sunburn of the skin in order to avoid such consequences?

First aid for sunburn

If you received a sunburn of the skin, treatment should begin with cooling the skin to eliminate pain. To do this, you need to go into the room, where the bright rays of the sun do not fall and wear loose cotton clothes, which must first be soaked with cold water. Have you burned only a small part of the body? You can make a cool compress.

To provide first aid after a sunburn, you can use sour cream, kefir, sour milk. These products will quickly soothe the affected skin. You can remove pain and inflammation with Hydrocortisone Ointment. Those who are shivering, you need to take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, for example, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

During first aid after sunburn of the skin of the face or body before the beginning of drug treatment, one should never:

Treatment of sunburn

For treatment, you can use special ointments for the skin after a sunburn. One of the most effective is Panthenol. You can apply this ointment at any stage and degree of burn. It protects the skin, effectively moisturizes it and stimulates recovery in damaged tissues.

The list of the best ointments from sunburn skin includes such drugs as:

To prevent the penetration of bacteria to the affected areas, it is necessary to apply and antiseptic medicines. Has a good antibacterial effect Miramistin. Use this drug can be used to treat sunburns of any complexity, but only in the first stage. Agrosulfan has a good barrier effect in case of sunburn. But this remedy is undesirable to use for deep burns, which are accompanied by secretions.

Treatment of sunburn skin folk remedies

At home, it is possible to treat sunburn of light skin. Do this, for example, with the help of yolk. It is applied only to the affected areas. The yolk renders an excellent restoring effect and prevents loss of moisture.

You can remove pain and redness with cool tomatoes or peeled potatoes. Of these, make a gruel and put on a burn.

Moisten the skin, remove discomfort and to accelerate the healing can be, applying to the affected area compresses of cold green tea or gruel from fresh cucumbers.

A wonderful method of treating the skin after a sunburn is a soda bath. To make it, you need to dial into the bathroom cool water and pour in it 2/3 glasses of soda (food). The bath is taken for 15 minutes. Oatmeal will calm the skin and relieve pain. In it, you need to add a little water to make a gruel, and then make a compress with it.

During the treatment of burns at home, you must necessarily increase the fluid intake to 2.5 liters to prevent dehydration.