Brown spots on the body

The appearance on the body of brown spots in medicine is usually called hyperpigmentation. In the upper layers of the skin of any person are located melanocytes - these are special cells responsible for the synthesis of the dark pigment melatonin. The latter serves to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The phenomenon, when the process of melatonin synthesis is broken for one reason or another, and the pigment is produced in excess, is called hyperpigmentation.

Varieties of brown pigment spots on the body

Brown pigment spots can be of different sizes and appear on all parts of the body. Specialists distinguish several basic types of spots. Among them:

Most of these brown spots on the body do not pose a health hazard. They are on the skin since the birth of a person or they appear as a result of natural aging, and basically all disappear by themselves after a while. But there are also such spots as, for example, malignant melanoma, which require urgent treatment. Dangerous stains are often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, pain, so it is not difficult to recognize them.

Why do brown spots appear on the body?

Skin is able to react to any changes that occur in the body. In many people, dark spots are formed against the background of stress or severe overwork.

The most common causes of brown spots on the body are the following:

  1. Hyperpigmentation develops against a background of prolonged exposure to the sun. Thus, the body tries to protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  2. Sometimes small brown spots on the body become a consequence of the use of certain medications.
  3. Many girls spot on the skin appear as a result of hormonal failure. Most often, future mothers suffer from this tragedy on the eve of childbirth and after them.
  4. The appearance of brown spots on the body can be a symptom of Cushing's and Addison's syndromes. These diseases are associated with a violation of the adrenal glands. Very often, with the syndromes, spots on the skin are scaly and cause discomfort with itching.
  5. Dark red-brown spots on the body that appeared on the skin on the site of a burn or blister are quite normal. Once the skin is completely restored after the injury, the spots disappear by themselves.
  6. The spots of brown color, concentrated in the neck and on the arms, most likely indicate multicolored lichen. If the diagnosis is correct, then on contact with iodine, the spots become even more vivid.
  7. Do not forget about the genetic predisposition. Very often, barely noticeable brown specks, freckles, are inherited by children from their parents.

How to get rid of brown spots on the body?

Treatment of brown spots depends on the fact, that became the reason of their formation. Often they disappear by themselves. The only thing a person can do in this situation is to speed up the stain removal process, using special whitening creams and lotions.

If desired, brown spots can be removed with the help of modern methods of laser therapy or using liquid nitrogen. Chemical peeling is also considered an effective procedure.

With the spots-symptoms of disease, everything is much more complicated. For the derivation of them can be used complex medicinal and chemotherapeutic courses.