Zeyn Malik complains of serious health problems

It would seem that what could be serious about the health of a 23-year-old guy? Probably, many will say that nothing, but the famous singer Zeyn Malik thinks quite differently. The other day the light was seen by his book, in which he describes the disease that caught him during the world tour of One Direction, as well as his mental state.

Memoirs of Zane are full of frank information

The work of the singer only appeared yesterday on the shelves of shops, and Malik has already managed to tell a little about him on his page in Instagram. With these words he presented memoirs:

"In my work you will find a lot of information about my personal life. About those moments that I have not told anyone before. I, very much hoping that my work will please you, because it was very difficult for me to write about it. "

Next, Zane quoted a little of his book, describing how difficult it was for him to perform in One Direction:

"Now I sometimes look through my photos two years ago and understand how I felt bad then, because I was struggling with a strong eating disorder. And here it does not mean that I was very thin, emaciated and pale, but that I had not eaten anything for three days. However, the world tour was so protracted that I could not pay attention to my health at the team members, just like I did. Constant moving, sleepless nights, a crazy schedule of rehearsals and concerts, completely knocked me out of the rut. I lost control of my life and, accordingly, did not understand what I eat and when. "

In addition, in his work the singer touched mental health, telling about panic attacks:

"However, problems with digestion are far from all. I was constantly confronted with panic attacks. I could not go on the stage calmly, like the other participants. It took me a while to tune in. And only one thing helped me - the understanding that I will not be alone on the stage. "
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Panic attacks continue to this day

Some time ago Malik left the One Direction group and started a solo career. However, everything was not so rosy as he had imagined earlier. Zane several times canceled concerts, and the fault was all his mental state. Then Malik explained the cancellation of the speeches:

"I have been trying to overcome panic attacks for 3 months, but so far I have not succeeded. This is due to my solo concert activity. I'm sorry that I had to cancel the concerts in Dubai and the UK, but I simply had no other choice. I could not go on stage. Now I do not have enough words to describe how it was then difficult for me to disappoint fans. But I am powerless. I just need time. These moments from my life were carefully discussed in the press and the Internet. I understand that this is speculation and this is part of my job. I love her very much, but for the time being I have to struggle with myself all the time. "