Why does the earth in the pot become covered with a white coating?

White coating in a pot with a flower is one of the most common problems in indoor floriculture. Many people start to notice that the top layer of the soil begins to grow white with time. It is difficult to determine with the naked eye the nature of such a phenomenon.

Why does the soil in the pots become covered with a white coating?

Specialists in floriculture distinguish two main causes: fungal (bacteriological) and saline (mineral).

Salt formation

The salt cause is as follows:

  1. Watering the soil with ordinary unfiltered tap water can form a white coating in pots of indoor flowers. The fact is that such water is in most cases excessively heavy, which speeds up the liming of the soil after repeated watering. The layer of lime makes it difficult to saturate the soil with oxygen. To avoid this, you should water before watering at room temperature for at least 24 hours. Or water the plants with a light solution of citric acid: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  2. A white layer on the surface of the earth in the pot may turn out to be salt, which is formed due to too dense drainage or over-saturation of the soil with mineral fertilizers. When the plant is at rest, the soil should be mixed with a lighter soil and the amount of bottom drainage reduced. And also reduce the number of additional dressings. If this trouble appeared during the active phase of flowering, then you can remove only the top layer of soil and add a layer of new soil. Or additionally sprinkle the earth with expanded clay, which will absorb excess moisture and create a decorative appearance.
  3. Insufficient watering of the plant. The water should be enough to prevent the plant from drying out. Watering the flowers should follow the recommendations for watering for each particular plant species.

Fungal infection

Another unpleasant reason why the soil in the pot is covered with a white coating can become a fungus. Mold is practically harmless for adults and healthy plants, but it is fatal for seedlings and can affect the condition of the weakened flower.

A fungal infection is formed:

Or the fungus spores may already be in the soil into which the plant is planted. In this case, frequent irrigation contributes to the increased development of bacteria. To avoid this, watering the land is only when its top layer dries. The room should be regularly ventilated. Good antifungal agents for the soil cope well with the fungus.

In order to understand why on earth there is a white coating in a pot with a favorite flower, one does not need to have special knowledge in botany, it is enough not to overdo it in caring for it and to observe elementary requirements.