Why does not pregnancy occur if there is ovulation?

According to the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, ovulation is the shortest phase. Usually it comes on day 12-15, and its duration on average is 24-48 hours. It is this time that the egg spends on the path from the ovary to the uterine tubes into the uterine cavity.

The greatest probability of onset of conception is observed directly with ovulation. However, not always it happens. In this regard, women and the question arises as to why the long-awaited pregnancy does not come, if there is ovulation. Let's try to understand this situation, and give an answer to this question.

Because of what does not conceive occur while ovulation is present?

First of all, a woman should make sure that the exit of a mature egg from the follicle does occur. This can be done by plotting a basal temperature chart or by using special medtests that outwardly resemble those used to determine pregnancy. If in the course of the above studies it is established that ovulation is taking place, the doctors begin to search for the reasons that explain the lack of conception.

Among the factors that can be an explanation of why pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The egg did not fully mature. Virtually every woman at least once a year can have a phenomenon when the egg completely does not ripen, but leaves the follicle.
  2. Insufficient number of mobile spermatozoa in the ejaculate. In such cases, it is sufficient to make a spermogram to the partner.
  3. Immunological incompatibility of partners. In such situations, the meeting of male and female sex cells is prevented by antibodies that may be present in the woman's cervical fluid.
  4. Diseases of the reproductive system can also be an explanation of why pregnancy does not occur when planning it during the days of ovulation. Among the most common causes of this nature, you can call polycystosis, inflammation of the ovaries, obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  5. Strong stress can be the cause of development, so called false infertility. In such cases, conception does not occur if there is no reason for the woman's health.

Why does not pregnancy occur after ovulation?

The thing is that the egg released from the follicle is only about 24 hours viable. That is why, if the sexual act occurs on the 2-3 day after ovulation, conception is not observed.

Thus, it must be said that in order to accurately determine why pregnancy does not occur when there is ovulation, a woman needs to undergo more than one examination.