Spermogram is the norm

Spermogram is the analysis of seminal fluid, which is examined in order to determine the ability to reproduce a man. Sperm analysis is shown to couples who suffer from infertility for one year or men who are sperm donors.

Spermiogram indices - norm

In the analysis of sperms, the number and motility of the spermatozoa are studied, the microscopy of the sediment: the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, as well as the number of immature spermatozoa. The analysis takes into account the color, volume, viscosity and time of dilution of the seminal fluid.

The norm of the spermogram is as follows:

Sperm motility can be of 4 types:

The norms of the WHO spermogramme mean the presence in the ejaculate of 25% of spermatozoa of category A or 50% of categories A and B.

Spermogram - morphology

Assessment of the morphology of spermatozoa is very important in the study of their usefulness. Normal sperm should be at least 80%. One of the damages may be the fragmentation of DNA in the spermogram, in which the sperm cell chain is damaged. With a large number of such lesions, the probability of pregnancy is reduced.

So, we looked at the normal spermogram. From what has been said, it can be seen that a deviation from the norm of at least one of the listed characteristics in some cases can lead to infertility. But still - not in every case.