Female genital organs

Everyone knows that the main function that nature has endowed women with is the prolongation of the genus, namely, the bearing and the birth of children. That is why it is so important throughout life, from the very childhood to take care of the health of the reproductive system, consisting of external and internal female genital organs.

External female genital organs

As already mentioned, the structure of the female genitalia is divided into internal and external. Each woman should have complete information about the functioning of each of the organs, because only their well-coordinated work will give a sense of confidence in their health.

The main external genital organ is the clitoris, which in most women is responsible for obtaining orgasm. It can be small and invisible, or rather large, and all this is the norm. Although there are no rare situations when women turn to the doctor with a request to solve their problem - to such a degree it is great.

In case of violation of the hormonal background in adolescence, the head and legs of the clitoris can grow in a non-standard size and deliver to its owner not pleasure, but a sense of embarrassment, shame and even painful sensations. In this case, only a plastic surgery will help.

In addition to the clitoris, the entrance to the vagina is covered with large labia on the outside, inside of which there are small ones. Sometimes small people can speak over large, and this is an individual characteristic of this woman. If the size does not exceed 1 cm, then this is the norm, but the large figures indicate an irregular structure of the external genitalia.

Also outside is the entrance to the vagina, in young girls it is covered with a hymen, which breaks down after the first sexual intercourse.

Internal female genital organs

The anatomy of the internal female genitalia is much broader, because it is here that everything is that without which it is impossible to have childbirth.

The vagina starts from the outer entrance and is a hollow tube, about 12 centimeters long, which in the nulliparous women has a relief structure, and the giving birth is more smooth.

Everyone knows how the external female genital organs look, but few know about the internal ones. In particular, this applies to the cervix, which turns out to be something incomprehensible and little-known. In fact, everything is simple - it is located at the highest point of the vagina and separates the uterine cavity from it.

Normally, the opening of the cervix is ​​closed and only opens for a while during menstruation. During childbirth it is because of the huge number of receptors located here that a woman experiences painful sensations when the cervix is ​​opened to let the child pass.

The main of the internal organs of the female reproductive system is the uterus. It has a small size and weight - roughly like a mandarin. Every month the inner layer (endometrium) grows in anticipation of implantation of the fetal egg, and if pregnancy does not occur, the layer is rejected - that is, menstrual bleeding occurs.

On the sides of the uterus there are two fallopian tubes ending in the ovaries, in which the ovules mature every month. On the tube, she goes to the uterus and, meeting along the road sperm, fertilizes.

Because of various adverse factors, inflammation of the female genitalia occurs, which can be both external and internal. It is very difficult to suspect some if the course of the disease is asymptomatic. But most often the inflammatory process is bright enough and intense - with pain, discharge, and fever.

Treatment of any inflammation is a mandatory process, because a neglected disease very quickly leads to local inflammation and often - to infertility. Therefore, having noticed the alarming signs, every woman who cares about her reproductive health should contact a qualified gynecologist. And for the timely detection of possible diseases should be at least once a year to visit a doctor with a preventive purpose.