What to feed the corella - all about the proper nutrition of the pet

The simplest solution to the problem than feeding the corella is to purchase a ready-made mixture. However, the list of useful and allowed products is much wider. It is important to supplement the daily menu of the corella with vegetable and vitamin components.

Diet for corella

To understand what to feed the parrot Corella, you should familiarize yourself with its diet in the natural habitat. In many ways, it depends on the season changes, the presence of a particular vegetation, habitat:

What to feed the corella at home?

When the parrot appears in the apartment, its diet is formed by the owner. The food of the cockatelle should be varied, high-quality. On this account, experienced breeders of corella have their own recommendations regarding diet and safety:

  1. With great pleasure, the bird eats vegetables, citrus fruits and exotic fruits.
  2. Any new product, be it an orange or an apple, is always offered little by little. Feeding the corella in large portions is impossible until there is confidence in the safety of the product for the digestive tract. What exactly you can not feed the corella, so it's leftovers from the table.
  3. Before buying a serving for a month, we always try a small batch. Seeds, which after soaking gave seedlings, will definitely be useful.
  4. Before feeding the corella, you need to know the needs of the bird. If there are concerns about the shortage of certain substances in the body, we always adjust the diet and emphasize the missing.

Feed for Corella

Exotic pets always need a quality basic feed, because they are prone to diseases and problems with digestion. Choosing food for a parrot of a cocklet, to pay attention stands on the checked up products:

  1. The Belgian brand Versele-Laga offers just two lines. Prestige Big Parakeets is a completely natural product, there is an expanded composition of cereals. In the package Prestige Australian Parakeet Premium special granules with a vitamin complex are added.
  2. The Italian brand Padovan has food with inclusions of fruits and sponge cakes, minerals.
  3. A affordable solution, rather than feeding a corella, can be a product from RIO. The brand offers a separate feed for parrots during moulting and a basic diet for each day.
  4. From Germany to the shelves we got a Vitakraft feed . Here at once three directions: NATURE DINNER with raspberry additive for every day, Australian with the addition of cactus and eucalyptus leaves, Vitakraft MENU is the main diet with nuts and honey additives.

What can you give the parrot parrot except food?

From the list, than to feed a parrot of a corella in house conditions, much is in usual supermarkets and on the beds of our kitchen gardens:

How to feed a chick to a corolla?

If you plan to feed offspring, you will have to purchase special mixtures. The answer to the question, what to feed the chicks of the corals at home, the experienced breeders will have the products of the firms Kaytee, NutriBird and Quikon. All of them use one scheme:

What to feed the sick parrot Corella?

More often than usual, you have to face vitamin deficiency and related health problems. Lack of minerals will lead to rickets and brittle delicacy, and lack of vitamin A - the cause of skin diseases of the bird. Therefore, the feeding of the coral in the period of the disease is reduced to the addition of the missing substances: the food is poured with river sand or put a mineral stone in the cage for sharpening the beak. Replenish the shortage of vitamin will help both ready-made pharmacy products, and fruit supplements.

If you try too hard, there is a possibility of obesity in the coryla. When the food is too high in calories, muscle atrophy as a consequence of obesity is a likely outcome. If the corella does not want to fly or move, while its external appearance is quite satisfactory, it is a signal about a set of excess weight. In this situation, a specialist will suggest replacing the diet with a facilitated, with a different composition of basic cereals.

How many times a day to feed the cormella?

Balancing the diet is half the battle. It is important to feed the corella in the right amount. To a feathered pet grow and develop properly, one should adhere to such rules:

  1. First, we will determine how often to feed the corella. Breeders recommend cleaning the cage from the remains of the feed and sprinkling fresh every evening. After that, cover the cage, and in the morning the corell begins its day with a new portion, which must be overpowered in a day.
  2. For one individual, about 15-25 g of feed is enough. This is about a half to two tablespoons without a slide.
  3. There are practically no restrictions on the quantity of fruits and vegetables eaten. The main thing to choose a convenient variant of slicing for the feathered pet: whether it will be cubes, vegetables, grated in a plate or attached with a clothespin.
  4. Calcium and the mineral part of the diet will be filled by the additive to the feed in the form of a grated shell of the boiled egg.

Than you can not feed the corella?

It may seem that feeding coral parrots will not cause problems, because the list of allowed products is great. But some vegetables and fruits will have to be abandoned, watch for the corella, so that he does not take anything from the table by himself: