Seedlings in toilet paper without earth

If, for some reason, you have not succeeded in preparing properly the soil for seedlings, there is always an option - to grow seedlings on toilet paper. Otherwise, this method is called a seedlings "in Moscow" or self-rolling. Such a rather unusual method is used by particularly resourceful housewives.

What kind of seedling can grow without soil on toilet paper?

With the method of rolling it is possible to grow many cultures - peppers, tomatoes , cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage and onions. Advantages of this method is that the seedlings do not get a black leg, because they do not touch the soil, in addition, you will save a lot of space on the windowsills.

It is not necessary to apply this method to slow growing and heat-loving plants, because they will still have to dive into pots at some stage and grow in the ground for a long time. In addition, in rolls, they are less illuminated, more stretched, they grow less developed roots.

But cold-resistant vegetables and flowers can be planted from a roll immediately on a bed in the form of mini-seedlings. For example, this method can be used when growing onions and leeks.

Seeding of sprouts on toilet paper

To grow seedlings without land in toilet paper you will need, in fact, toilet paper, plastic film, plastic glasses, seeds and labels.

Polyethylene should be cut into strips with a width equal to the width of the toilet paper. Approximately this will be 10 cm. We lay out strips of polyethylene film under strips of toilet paper 40-50 cm long.

Next, we moisten the paper a little, sprinkling it from the atomizer. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other and 1-1.5 cm from the edge. For the convenience of this procedure, use tweezers.

On top of their "crops" cover with a layer of polyethylene film and roll everything in a neat roll, fasten it with an elastic band and place in a glass, not forgetting the label with the name of the variety. Pour in a glass of water about 4 cm, cover it with polyethylene or put it in a bag with ventilation holes.

When seedlings grown by toilet paper begin to peck, feed it with mineral fertilizer , reducing the usual dosage by half. Regularly add water to the cup, maintaining its level at one point.

When the first real leaf appears, you need to feed up the seedlings again. And when the seedlings grow up, you can begin to pick it up. In leafy vegetables, this time comes when the first real leaf appears, in onions - with the appearance of well-developed rootlets.

How to pick up seedlings on toilet paper?

Gently unwind the roll and remove the first layer of the film. Cut the seedling straight along with the paper without damaging its roots. If all the seeds did not germinate, you can leave them for cultivation, again putting them in a glass.

The seedlings need to be sealed right along with the paper in pre-prepared pots or cassettes. The onion can be immediately planted in the open ground, but in this case it is necessary to correctly calculate seeding dates (approximately mid-April).

Containers for seedlings should be with drainage holes. Fill them with earth to half, deepen seedlings to cotyledonous leaves. Dissected seedlings are carefully watered and grown as ordinary seedlings.

Of course, we can not call the method completely landless, because we, sooner or later, resort to standard pots. However, in this way, you can save the situation when you have rushed late and did not prepare the land for seedlings. As long as the seeds germinate in the paper, you will have time to catch up.