How to delay menstruation?

For every woman, for various reasons, there is a desire to delay the onset of regular menstruation. After all, how it is insulting when such a long-awaited weekly vacation is overshadowed by abundant bloody discharge, as well as concomitant symptoms, for example, pain in the abdomen or lower back.

In this article, we will tell you how to delay the periods for a few days, including without causing special harm to your body.

How to delay the menstruation with the help of contraceptives?

The most effective way to delay the periods is to take the pills. Since the functioning of the female reproductive system directly depends on the hormonal background in the body, it is possible to achieve the desired result with a high probability only with the help of drugs that are based on hormones.

As you know, all hormonal contraceptive pills, or contraceptives for oral administration, can have a negative effect and provoke a lot of side effects. That is why you can postpone the onset of menstruation in this way only in the most extreme cases, and before taking medication for this purpose, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications and consult with a gynecologist.

There are several ways to take tablets with the purpose of delaying menstruation, namely:

  1. If you are already taking oral contraceptives with monophasic activity on a regular basis, do not take the necessary weekly break. So your next menstruation will come a few days later than you expected. In this case, the probability of an unwanted pregnancy during this period will be close to zero.
  2. Girls who use three-phase tablets, to delay the monthly should limit themselves to taking the drug only the third phase. However, you will have to take care of other options for protection.
  3. If you are usually protected in another way, start combining oral contraceptives one week before the expected menstruation. With this method of using contraceptives, you can get pregnant with ease, since the tablets in this situation will act solely as a blood-restoring remedy.

Finally, the most effective and, at the same time, dangerous way of delaying menstruation is the administration of gestagens (medicines containing synthetic progesterone analogues ). It is necessary to start taking these medications 2 weeks before the start of another menstruation, and stop - on the day when the spotting should have ended.

These methods are contraindicated for girls and women in the presence of the following circumstances:

How to delay menstruation with folk remedies?

Various means of traditional medicine are much less effective, but they do not cause significant damage to health. In particular, in order to delay the monthly for a week without pills, you can use such methods as:

  1. Take 5-6 tablespoons of dry nettle, place in a small saucepan and pour 500 ml of water. Put this container on the stove, wait for the water to boil, and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. After that, remove the cooked decoction from the plate and allow it to cool to 38-40 degrees. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day.
  2. 2 tablespoons water pepper pour a glass of steep boiling water. Cool the remedy to an acceptable temperature and strain well. Each time before eating, drink 70-80 ml of the infusion.

To postpone the onset of menstruation, such folk remedies should be started about 10 days before their expected start.