Cake "Rainbow" - recipe

We all know that when preparing a cake, it is important not only for its taste, but also for its appearance, so if you need a real table decoration, it's worth to bake a multicolored cake "Rainbow", which with its bright colors will make an indelible impression on your guests.

Cake "Rainbow" - recipe with photo


For the cake:

For cream:


Separate yolks from proteins, whip the latter, then add sugar to them, whilst continuing to whip up that state of tight foam. Add to them the remains of sugar, flour, butter, eggs, vanilla sugar, and a pinch of powder for baking. Thoroughly mix everything. Divide the resulting dough into six equal parts. In each add a food color of different colors, mix well and proceed to bake cakes.

For baking, just pour a dough of one color into a baking dish, pre-wrapping it with parchment paper, and put in an oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

Do the same procedure with each color part, and in the end, you get six different colored cakes. Lay the cakes on a flat surface and start preparing the cream: whip the cooled cream with sugar, until white peaks, and after that, add the gelatin dissolved in hot water and slightly cooled.

Now you can start collecting the cake. Each cake impregnate cognac mixed with water, and grease with a cream, laying out in this order: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

The top of the cake, and its sides, also well cover with cream, and put the cake in the fridge so that it soaks for 3-4 hours.

Cake "Rainbow" with natural dyes

If you want to cook this wonderful cake, but carefully watch your health and do not want to use artificial colors, then we will tell you how to replace them with natural ones.


For the cake:

For dyes:

For cream:


To get the juice, which will serve as a natural substitute for dyes, simply pass the spinach, carrots and beetroot (all separately) through the juicer, and put the blackberries and blueberries (at ¼ cent.) Into the microwave so they let the juice in.

Now, make a dough, for this, sugar whip with cream and vegetable oil, there also send yolks and whisk until airborne. After this, add yogurt, milk, vanilla, soda, flour and baking powder to the mixture. Knead the dough and divide it into six identical parts, add juice from berries or vegetables to each part, and in one, tie the yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of milk. Form a baking dish, oil or paper, and bake each cake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Do not get them right away, it's better to let them cool in the form of minutes 5 so they do not break.

To make the cream, just whip all the ingredients with a mixer for a few minutes. Lay cakes, promazyvaya their cream, in the following sequence: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The top of the cake, and its edges, also plentifully spread the cream and put the "Rainbow" in the refrigerator, for impregnation, for 3-4 hours.

A few more step-by-step recipes you can find in our articles: cake "Mishka" and cake "Beer mug" .