Garnet - useful properties

The pomegranate is famous not only for its taste, but also for its healing properties, which are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Let's look at how a garnet is applied, and what are its useful properties.

Benefit of pomegranate

The peculiarity of this product is that it has an ideal balance of vitamins and nutrients. It found iodine, potassium, calcium and silicon. Especially a lot of iron in it.

This fruit is known for its anti-inflammatory, firming, diuretic actions. The intake of pomegranate pulp helps to normalize the digestive process, improve the work of the heart. Thanks to iron, garnet is effective in fighting with anemia and anemia.

In addition to the flesh, the pomegranate peel is widely used, due to its useful properties to destroy worms. The presence of substances such as methyl isopelterine, peltierin allowed the use of pomegranate crusts against tape parasites.

Widely used pomegranate peel against burns, due to their useful properties. Decoction of crusts are used instead of hair rinses to combat dandruff .

In home medicine, pomegranate flowers and its useful properties have found application. Their effectiveness is that they have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, flowers are used for colds and for anesthesia.

Persons suffering from hormonal disorders, as well as women during the menopause, are recommended to use pomegranate stones, whose useful properties consist in the normalization of hormone production. In addition, they cope well with headache and irritability.

Useful properties of Indian pomegranate

Not long ago an Indian garnet appeared in our stores. We learn about its useful properties:


Cautious should be when using funds from pomegranate crusts. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, increased pressure, or visual impairment, consult a doctor. Do not take pomegranate juice to people who have stomach problems.

To not damage the tooth enamel juice is recommended to dilute with water. It is strictly forbidden to eat pregnant and lactating women.