Dense blood during pregnancy

Each pregnant woman during the entire waiting period of the baby repeatedly gives various tests. In some cases, in the results of these examinations, one can observe certain deviations, which may be both a variant of the norm for expectant mothers, and a symptom of some serious diseases.

Including, quite often women after passing the next examination during pregnancy find out that they have very dense blood. About why this happens, it's dangerous, and what to do in this situation, we'll tell you in our article.

Why can blood be too thick during pregnancy?

In most cases, the following factors are the cause of such a violation:

How does dense blood affect pregnancy, and how can it be dangerous in this case?

If the future mother has too much blood, she can not easily and freely flow through the vessels and fully perform all the functions assigned to her, so any internal organs and tissues can suffer. In some cases, such a violation adversely affects the general well-being of the expectant mother and causes her symptoms such as:

At the same time, most pregnant women do not feel this condition at all and find out that they have deviations only after taking the next tests. In this case, almost all future mothers begin to experience, what threatens dense blood during pregnancy for them and the unborn baby.

In some cases, in the absence of proper treatment and control by health professionals, the effects of dense blood during pregnancy can be deplorable. So, the heart of the expectant mother starts to work many times more intensively, therefore she has a higher risk of blood clots and the occurrence of such serious diseases as stroke and heart attack.

In addition, with such a violation, the necessary nutrients and, in particular, oxygen, enter the fetus in smaller quantities. The products of his vital activity, on the other hand, last much longer than necessary, are delayed in the placenta, because too much blood from pregnant women can not take them. All this often leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the baby's future, hypoxia or premature birth. In some cases, thick blood can provoke and a frozen pregnancy.

What if I have too much blood in pregnancy?

First of all, to dilute too much blood during pregnancy, you need to organize a special diet, as well as provide sufficient physical activity and regular outdoor walks. Diet in this violation requires the following recommendations:

  1. Daily it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure still water.
  2. Minimize the consumption of potatoes, buckwheat, bananas, sweets, canned goods, smoked foods and marinades, as well as any too fatty foods.
  3. Introduce in the diet fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as products such as figs, nuts, honey, seeds, kefir, sunflower oil, ginger and garlic.

Sometimes, for dilution of dense blood during pregnancy, medication may also be required. In such cases, the future mother is usually prescribed the Kurantil course , and in severe situations, when such a condition can threaten the life of the fetus, such medications as Trombo ACC, Cardiomagnol, Fraksiparin or Flebodia.