11 fruits and berries that scientists recommend to eat with bones

Scientists have proven that many eating habits turn out to be harmful, and it is better to cope with them as quickly as possible. We bring to your attention a list of fruits and berries, which are more useful to eat with bones.

We have been taught since childhood that eating fruits and berries, bones must be thrown out. As scientists have shown, in some bones there are many vitamins and other useful substances that are useful for the body. I will have to change my habits and eat fruits in a new way.

1. Citrus fruits

Try to buy varieties in which there are few seeds, so, stop doing it. For many, it will be a discovery that the seeds of lemon or lime can become a substitute for aspirin and help with headaches. This is explained by the presence of salicylic acid in their composition, so if your head has hurt, ripen a couple of seeds and the problem goes away. As for the orange seeds, they contain a lot of vitamin B17, which is important for fighting cancer and fungal diseases.

2. Olives

Buy olives without pits, then you know that you are depriving yourself of an excellent cholagogue, which positively affects the activity of the entire digestive system. In addition, olive bones are considered good sorbents, which purify the body of toxins. Experts recommend that within a month eat about 15 olives with bones, and this will be an excellent prevention of the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

3. Pomegranate

There are people who refuse the pomegranate because of the presence of small pits, while others simply spit out. Scientists have proven that the seeds contain many polyphenols and tannins, which are important for heart health and cancer treatment. Studies show that the constituent antioxidants increase the survival of healthy cells and cause the death of cancer cells.

4. Dogwood

Properties of cornel bones are very similar to olive, but they are also used in folk medicine for the treatment of hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to eat 15 fruits a week, not spitting out the bones.

5. Grapes

People can be divided into those who eat grapes and spit out bones and those who do not. In the pulp of the grapes is a large amount of resveratrol - a substance that helps in the fight against cancer, strengthens the work of the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. So, it is worthwhile to know that even more of this compound is in the bones.

6. Kalina

If possible, be sure to eat a few berries of viburnum, not spitting out the bones, because they are considered an excellent natural cleanser of the body. Seeds of kalina are saturated with useful substances, they normalize the intestinal microflora and positively influence the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, they reduce puffiness, clean the body and release the kidney and bladder from stones and sand. It is recommended to eat 10 pcs every day.

7. Melon

The first thing that many do after a melon cut - scrub seeds, but in fact they can be used to their advantage. If you eat them without chewing, then they will have only a laxative effect, and if they all eat a hedgehog, then the body will get valuable food enzymes, useful in the disorder of the stomach. In addition, the seeds contain protein, potassium, vitamin A and phosphorus.

8. Apples

Another wrong habit, according to scientists - to eat only the flesh of apples, and the rest to throw out. The thing is that seeds of ripe fruits contain a large amount of vitamin E and iodine, so, it's enough to eat 6-7 grains in order to provide a daily rate. In addition, apple seeds have a positive effect on brain activity and increase the tone of the body. To abuse them, of course, is not worth it, because in a large number of apple kernels can lead to poisoning.

9. Kiwis

It is clear that few would have thought of cleaning small black kiwi seeds, so just a few words about their benefits. The composition of a lot of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. It is proved that with the regular use of kiwi and seeds, one can forget about such a problem as eye swelling.

10. Dates

Do you like these dried fruits? So start to eat them in a new way, that is, together with the bones. Studies have shown that there are more proteins and fats in the bones than in the flesh. In addition, they contain a large number of minerals, for example, selenium, copper, potassium and magnesium. In folk medicine, powder from date stones is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and various inflammations.

11. Watermelon

It is difficult to find a person who eats a watermelon along with bones, and this is a big mistake. Scientists have proved that they contain a lot of iron and zinc, and in a bioavailable form, that is, 85-90% is assimilated. And in the seeds there is fiber and protein. Studies have shown that bones are useful for regulating blood sugar levels and improving the condition of the skin.