Potatoes "Impala" - a description of the variety

When choosing a variety of potatoes for planting, very many in the first place pay attention to its yield and resistance to various diseases. At whom these indicators are higher, that is considered better. Recently, one of the most popular varieties of potatoes among gardeners is the "Impala", with a description of which you will get acquainted with in this article.

The main characteristics of the potato "Impala"

"Impala" refers to the early-ripening table variety of Dutch breeding. It can be grown in the middle belt and southern regions, where in some cases it is possible to harvest two crops in one season. It is especially appreciated by gardeners for stable high yields (over 180 centners per hectare) and resistance to diseases such as cancer, potato nematode, scab and A.

The bush of this variety is a upright plant up to 75 cm high. Most often it consists of 5 stems on which white flowers appear during flowering. Under each bush usually formed at least 6-8 tubers of 80 - 150 grams.

Large root vegetables are oval in shape, shallow eyes and even surface of the peel. 90% of the collected tubers have a good marketable appearance. This potato has yellow thin skin and light yellow pulp containing dry matter (17%), starch (10-14.5%), vitamins, proteins, mineral salts, organic acids. Fruits have good taste, does not change color after cooking, moderately boiled, that is, it does not completely fall apart, but slightly cracked on top. Perfect for preparing mashed potatoes and soups.

Cultivation of potatoes "Impala"

Since "Impala" refers to the early varieties of potatoes, the optimal time for planting is April-May. Digging it can begin in 45 days, full ripening of the harvest comes in 60-75 days (depending on the climatic zone).

Preliminary sprouting of planting material is not required, it can be planted immediately from the vault. But, if you want to get a very early crop of this sort of potato, then the tubers should be germinated in advance. When planting, very carefully, you should treat sprouts on tubers. They should not be broken, as this will slow the development of the bush and lead to a decrease in yield.

As for any potato, it is better for "Impali" to choose a site on which legumes, perennial grasses and winter crops were grown before. Planting tubers should be done, leaving between rows of 60 cm, and between the holes 30-35 cm to deepen them should be no more than 10 cm. Shoots of potatoes appear faster if the crop was produced in a well-warmed earth and accompanied by the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers.

Care for potatoes "Impala" is the regular loosening of rows and hills bushes, the removal of weeds, as well as in the collection of pests and the prevention of the spread of diseases to which it is susceptible. These include rhizoctonia and blight of tubers or leaves.

It should be borne in mind that as soon as characteristic leaves appear on the leaves of the foliage, the formation of new tubers on this plant will stop. Infections can be avoided by observing agrotechnical and preventive measures to grow potatoes.

Even in very arid areas or with a lack of moisture in spring and summer, the "Impala" yields a good harvest. It is recommended to plant it to get young potatoes in demand at the beginning of summer. After harvesting, the tubers of the Impala are well kept and some of the latest ones start to germinate.