Pain in the left side

The greatest joys and successes in the life of each person pale when health problems begin. Most modern people live in a crazy rhythm and to listen to their own body, there is not enough time. When there is any discomfort or pain, many people rush to drink anesthetic and forget about the problem. And after all our organism is the most complicated system, which signals with painful impulses that something goes wrong in our life. In this article we will talk about pain in the left side. In the human body in the left side - under the ribs and in the lower abdomen, are the most important organs of life, therefore, not paying attention to the pain is simply unacceptable.

What exactly is in the left side?

In this part of the human body is the pancreas, part of the diaphragm, stomach, spleen. Disease of any of these organs leads to pain in the left side.

  1. Pancreas. When a person's pancreas is worried, the dull pain in the lower left side of the body is worried . Basically, the pain occurs after taking acute or fatty foods and carbonated drinks, as well as coffee.
  2. Diaphragm. If you have a pain in the left side under the rib, you may have a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm divides the two cavities - thoracic and ventral. When it jammed, pain occurs.
  3. Stomach. Pain in the left side can cause stomach problems. Any products or medicines that irritate the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach, lead to pain. The most common disease among modern people is gastritis. From this illness 35-40% of the population suffers. The main sign of gastritis is aching pain that occurs both in the left and right hypochondrium. In addition to gastritis, pain, also, can be indicative of an ulcer or even of stomach cancer.
  4. Spleen. If you have a sore left side in the lower abdomen, then perhaps you have problems with the spleen. To damage the spleen is quite easy, because it is close to the surface of the human body. The spleen is more prone to ruptures than other internal organs. Recognize the rupture of the spleen can be by bruises near the navel, which arise from subcutaneous hemorrhage. In diseases of the spleen, its size increases and it becomes softer. Parallel with this, pain occurs at the bottom of the left side. The probability of rupture of the sick spleen is even higher. In some diseases, a rupture of an enlarged spleen without any physical effect on it is possible.
  5. Appendix. If you feel that you have a sore in the left side in the lower abdomen, you may have an inflammation of the appendix. Despite the fact that the appendix is ​​on the right, doctors state the fact that often pain occurs in the left side. Appendicitis requires urgent surgical intervention, since it is a dangerous disease for human life. Appendicitis can cause the following diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infectious diseases. With pains in the lower abdomen, you urgently need to visit a polyclinic.

It is only the doctor who can determine the cause of pain in the left side. With any discomfort in the hypochondrium or abdominal cavity, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. The doctor will ask you to take a test and take the tests. Only by results of analyzes the exact diagnosis will be put. Given the characteristics of your body, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Any treatment will be effective only when a person begins to treat the body properly. It is known that the guarantee of health is the rejection of bad habits and a healthy, balanced diet. Keep track of your diet, daily routine and rest, and then visits to the doctor will be very rare for you.