Osteoarthritis - symptoms

Of all joint diseases, osteoarthritis is considered the most common. Suffer from him, mainly people older and middle-aged. But this does not mean that all the rest can not worry about the appearance of their initial signs of osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, the disease can affect even the healthiest people. And if you do not diagnose it on time, problems with treatment can not be circumvented. To suspect that osteoarthritis is simple in itself, knowing its main symptoms.

The main signs of osteoarthritis

This is an insidious disease that affects those parts of the body that she only wants. But as practice shows, most often from osteoarthritis suffer joints of the lower extremities and those, which in the process of life are the greatest burden. Many middle-aged patients live safely with the disease, without even knowing it exists. In such cases, osteoarthritis is only recognized by means of an X-ray.

Often, the symptoms of osteoarthritis make themselves felt even in the early stages of the disease. Because many people take them for temporary weakness, the disease progresses. And because the symptoms do not develop very actively, treatment can be delayed.

Among the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are the following:

  1. In the first place there is always pain. The affected joint first hurts unobtrusively and everything can be attributed to fatigue. But the longer the osteoarthritis can develop, the stronger will be the pain. At first the joints can only ache after the stress, in the future the same unpleasant sensations will become permanent.
  2. A bad sign is the crunch in the joints .
  3. The skin around the affected joint may look slightly inflamed.
  4. The mobility of the joint as the disease develops is limited. Often in the late stages there is a complete blockage of it. As a result, a person feels paralyzed, unable to control the affected limb.

Depending on which joint is sick, the symptoms of the disease change. So, for example, symptoms typical for osteoarthrosis of the spine and shoulder joint are symptoms of pain in the neck and hands, while knee injury certainly affects the ease of gait.

People suffering from osteoarthrosis of the knee and hip joints may face such a sign of illness as excessive fatigue. In addition, knee joints, which are always subjected to colossal loads, tend to swell and become highly inflamed. And if at the initial stages the disease is not really noticed, the symptoms appearing in the second and third stages can not be ignored even with a strong desire.

Symptoms of deforming osteoarthritis

In fact, the deforming osteoarthritis from the usual is no different. Both diseases affect the joints, bringing a lot of trouble. Under the influence of the disease, the osteoarticular apparatus is strongly deformed. This also determines one of the main distinctive features of the disease - with deforming osteoarthritis joints necessarily change the shape. And often the changes can be seen even with the naked eye.

Strictly speaking, sometimes you can recognize the disease only on this basis. In other respects, the symptoms of deforming osteoarthritis differ little from manifestations of other forms of the disease. The patient is also concerned about severe pain, which can subside in the state of rest and intensify during movement.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to undergo regular medical examinations. This will help to recognize the disease in time and immediately hit it with effective treatment.