Ascaris - the symptoms

Ascarids are one of the most common parasites that cause the development of ascariasis, accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Ascarids, the symptoms of infection with which are discussed further, depending on the stage of their development, can manifest themselves in different ways. It is the clinical course of the disease that determines the stage of development of parasites.

The cycle of development of ascarids

Growth of parasites consists of the following stages:

  1. At the first stage, the larva grows from the egg. After entering the stomach, the larvae quickly reach the intestine.
  2. After moving to the intestine, the larva begins to dissolve its walls, moving along the veins towards the liver.
  3. In the next stage, the development of ascarids occurs in the lungs. Moving from the liver through the heart through the veins, they penetrate into the lungs. After that the bronchioles parasites continue their movement to the respiratory tract.
  4. At the final stage, ascarids enter the oral cavity, and, after ingestion by a human, the adults settle in the small intestine.

Signs and symptoms of ascaris in adults

During the first six weeks of infection parasites are in the migratory stage. Distinctive features of pathology are absent, therefore the diagnosis is made only after the detection of ascarid larvae or in the analysis of blood. Moderate invasion in the migration period of ascaris growth can be manifested by such signs:

When moving ascarids through the liver, there are:

The further stage of the disease was called intestinal, as the development of adult ascaris occurs in the intestine. Patients may experience various disorders. Patients complain about:

Ascarids and their symptoms disappear even in the absence of treatment during the year. But a complete recovery of the body is possible only in the event that there is no re-infection.

Ascarids in the lungs

Infection with parasites adversely affects not only the health of the intestines. In the case of ascarid eggs entering the lungs, the structure of the organs changes. In this case, the patient has such symptoms:

The study of the lungs can detect infiltrates, whose location is not stable. In the initial period, there is Loeffler syndrome, manifested in the combination of infiltration with eosinophilia of the blood. Often, this syndrome is the only sign of the presence of parasites.

Ascaris - complications

The motor activity of organisms leads to a number of complications. This is due to movement through the wall of the intestine and its damage. Serious infection can lead to the formation of a through hole in the gut. The penetration of parasites into the cecum can lead to the development of appendicitis.

Ascarids are able to cover the lumen of the intestine, thus violating its patency. As a result of this happens:

The absence of treatment leads to the development of peritonitis .

In more serious cases, askerad enters the gallbladder, inflammations of the biliary tract and bladder develop. These disorders can provoke congestion and increased bile pressure. This can subsequently cause cholestatic hepatitis, manifested in: