Remedy for mold and fungus on the walls

With the problem of the appearance of mold and fungus on the walls in the apartment faced a considerable number of people. There are various types of fungus, but the most toxic and dangerous - the so-called "black mold", it most adversely affects the health of people.

Currently, there is a large number of effective remedies against fungus and mold on the walls. An example of such high-quality modern products can be: specialized antimicrobial spray, anti-mold paint, Deo-anti-mold, Septotosan-t, Sagrotan, Buggy anti-mold.

Before using expensive means, you need to take some steps to clean the walls of fungal and mold deposits. If the fungus has penetrated deeply into the wall, you should clean everything off the surface of the wall, reaching a clean layer or brick. The next stage of the fight against mold will be the treatment of the wall surface with such a protective agent against fungus and mold, as a special antiseptic primer - it will not only rid the mold, but also protect the wall from its appearance. It should be a primer of deep penetration, such as Euro Primer, Tiefgrund, or Universal, issued by the firm "Arm Mix".

If the fungus and mold did not manage to capture a large area of ​​the surface, in the first stages of the struggle one can confine ourselves to cheap household products, such as "Belizna" or "Domestos", this is the simplest way. You can also use aqueous solutions with antiseptics, vinegar, soda and other home remedies. If they did not help, then more effective ways are needed than simple processing.

The best remedy used to combat mold will be useless and ineffective if you do not carry out the whole range of work, do it qualitatively or disrupt the instruction on the use of an antifungal agent.

After all the work done to clean the walls of fungus and mold, you should create a certain microclimate in the room, eliminating their reappearance.

Fungus and mold in the bathroom

In the bathroom, mold and fungus most often appear on the joints of a bath and a washbasin with a wall, and seams between tiles also suffer. The formed raid can not simply be washed off with water.

To get rid of the problem, first remove the affected sealant, and then treat the surface with a fungicidal agent. Then it is necessary to reapply the sealant, which includes an antifungal component. A good remedy for fungus and mold on the walls in the bathroom are Demosil-Micro, Olympus Stop-mold, Biotol Spray, they are ideal for use in damp areas.

To clean the gaps between the tiles, you should use a metal brush - clean everything as deeply as possible, and then re-seal the cracks using a grout containing the antiseptic.

If there is no way to fight cardinally with mold and fungus in the bathroom, then for some time you can use folk remedies that help stop their further Spread. You can put a few containers of water, adding a little iodine, or lay balls rolled from camphor. Wipe the tile with a solution of water with lemon juice, treat them with seams, use solutions of water with hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and boric acid or with tea tree oil.

All folk remedies are good for fighting in the first stages of the appearance of mold and fungus, or as temporary - they are not very effective, even with the most careful treatment they remain the danger of repeated mold return, so it is better to use the chemical agents described above or special antifungal agents.