Addition of cabbage

Care for cabbage to get a good harvest, you need during the entire growing season. A very important role in caring for her is given to fertilizing. Begin to fertilize it should be still in the growing season of seedlings. After all, everyone knows that the yield of this useful vegetable, as well as other plants, is strongly influenced by good seedlings. Let's consider what kind of feeding and on what term likes cabbage.

Feeding of cabbage seedlings

For the first time cabbage sprouts need to be fed 14 days after the pick. For such feeding, take on a bucket of water 25 gr. ammonia, 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium chloride. Not later than in 14 days it is necessary to spend the second top dressing, for which on 10 liters of water to take 35-40 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Before you put on the street you should hold a third additional fertilizing. For this, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 80 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride should be dissolved in a bucket of water. The latest top dressing provides seedlings of cabbage with useful substances that will be necessary for it to get used to life in new conditions of open ground.

Top dressing of cabbage in the open ground

To feed cabbage, planted in the ground, it is necessary at least twice, sometimes it is done more often. The first feeding should be done 14 days after the cabbage seedlings were planted in the open ground. To do this, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers should be taken from the calculation of 200 grams of each fertilizer per hundred of plantings. If before planting cabbage seedlings you fertilized the soil with organic fertilizers, then as the first feeding of cabbage you can use urea or ammonium nitrate.

Some gardeners first feed cabbage with chicken litter or mullein . To do this, take a half a kilogram of these fertilizers and dissolve in a bucket of water. One liter of cabbage should be poured 1 liter of such fertilizing.

In summer, in the beginning of July, organic fertilizers are used to feed the cabbage. Use for this you can slurry, mullein or chicken droppings. And, if you spend more frequent fertilizing, it is better alternate organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers, and do not feed more often than once every 14 days.

In the first half of July, some truck farmers spend additional feeding of cabbage with boric acid. To do this, take a teaspoon of acid in a glass of boiling water. Then this solution is mixed with 10 liters of cool water and sprinkled with cabbage. Another kind of feeding of cabbage is beer yeast, which are an excellent growth stimulator for any plant. From the yeast, a solution is prepared and watered with cabbage, and this should be done only when the soil is well heated, otherwise there will be no effect.