Treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaf

The painful character in the mammary glands, the expansion of their volume, the greenish, whitish and brown discharge from the nipples are all signs of mastopathy, a benign breast tumor that affects approximately 60-80% of women aged 18 to 45 years. When setting such a diagnosis, doctors are credited with taking medications and applying ointments to the breast, but there is another way to overcome the disease. Since ancient times, a recipe for treating mastopathy with a cabbage leaf has been passed from woman to woman.

Cabbage with mastopathy

This wonderful vegetable has such valuable substances as: vitamins C and A, phytoncides and lysozyme, indoles, selenium and zinc, vitamin U. In addition, the use of cabbage leaf in mastopathy, in contrast to ointments, does not cause the body side effects, as it is 100% eco-friendly.

How to treat mastopathy with cabbage?

There are a number of recipes for the treatment of mastopathy with cabbage, the essence of which is to increase the penetration of nutrients from this vegetable into the tissues of the mammary glands:

  1. We take a cabbage leaf, rub it on one side with melted butter, and on the other, we apply salt to increase the yield of the juice. Apply to the breast side, oiled.
  2. We do the same, but instead of oil we use honey. Cabbage with honey for mastopathy was used 300 years ago by our great-great-grandmothers.
  3. Cabbage leaf with mastopathy can be used without additions, it is enough just to discard it from two sides.
  4. After preparation, we apply the resulting remedy to the chest, put on the bra and go to bed - if we do it for the night. If this procedure is carried out in the daytime and does not bring discomfort, we deal with our own affairs. The duration of the course is up to the complete passage of the disease.

Does cabbage help with mastopathy?

The main cause of mastopathy is the imbalance of the hormonal background. Substances contained in cabbage juice, can stabilize it, and also cope with the elimination of hormonal failure , thereby healing the tumor.