Violence against children

Violence against children is a manifestation of emotional, physical or sexual domination in relation to minors. To date, this phenomenon is a global problem. Daily information on such incidents appears on the pages of newspapers. Information about the rape and beating of children flooded the Internet. Today we will talk about how to prevent the occurrence of such a situation, protect your child from any impact from the outside and not harm the baby yourself.

Sexual abuse of children

Sexual abuse of children involves the unlawful involvement of a minor in direct or indirect sexual activities with a view to obtaining benefits or satisfaction. Sexual violence is the demonstration to the child of erotic and pornographic photos and videos. Exposure of your genitals to the child, involvement of a minor in the manufacture of pornography, as well as coercion of the child to show intimate organs and spying on the child at the time of his hygienic procedures.

Often, compelling a child to perform sexual activities takes place in the family. Violation of intra-family relations often occurs when a new member appears in the family. For example, the mother is once again married and the child has a stepfather. A man enjoys the trust of a woman who loves him and shows his love to her child in every possible way-she gives gifts, carries on her hands, takes care of the baby. However, sooner or later there comes a time when the stepfather remains alone with the child and allows himself something that no one will ever believe. Complaints, whether a young child or teenager on the new pope, are heard very rarely, since all comments are written off to discontent, jealousy, the desire to see a real father or a personal dislike.

Signs of sexual violence can be:

The consequences of the trauma experienced will no doubt affect the child's further life. The impression of the experience will affect the formation of his personality, worldview, stock of character, physical and mental health. The degree of harm also depends on who committed the crime against the child and how old the child was at that time. The most traumatized are injuries inflicted on relatives and relatives.

That is why the protection of children from sexual violence, first of all, requires attention from the parents and close people of the child. Do not immediately refute the complaints of your child, if any, forbid the baby to speak out and blame him for lying. Always take the time to talk with your child, establish a trusting relationship and try not to lose this trust from the child. In addition, learn to recognize the dangers, communicate with strangers and always, always talk about troubles and any strange situations for you!

Physical abuse of children

It is also very common, affecting millions of children around the world. Ill-treatment of a child occurs most often from relatives, mostly parents. It can be caused by the poor performance of the child in school, the unwillingness to follow the instructions of the parents. In the case of young children - their whims, tantrums, crying and disobedience. Due to the fact that most mothers and dads do not know the rules of raising children, they use violent tactics of influence. Children who have been subjected to violence often suffer from depression, have low self-esteem, and often have various injuries on their bodies such as cuts, bruises, bruises, scratches, and other injuries.

Signs of physical violence can be:

The most terrible thing: physical violence against a child forms in him an understanding that, thanks to physical strength, you can achieve everything. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the previously oppressed child grows into a merciless tyrant and also, by the example of his parents, begins to achieve everything by force. Any problem that has arisen in its path, the slightest misunderstanding in communicating with someone will end in a fight. It will be much more difficult for him to build a family, make friends and adapt in society.

If the time to intervene in the situation and stop ill-treatment of the child, the consequences after the injury will be less. Timely psychological assistance to children affected by adult violence will help them forget the past and look at the world in a different way.

Psychological Violence Against Children

It is not strange, but it is emotional abuse of the child that is the most terrible and cruel. This type of crime is most often paid attention, it is not mentioned as often as other forms of cruel treatment of children.

Forms of emotional abuse:

  1. Repulsion of the child. Often occurs when a child in the family is undesirable. The kid is shown in every possible way that he does not need anyone, he is not shown love, due attention, tenderness, caring. He tries not to hear and pretend not to notice.
  2. Ignoring the child. If the emotional needs of adults are not satisfied, they tend not to pay attention to the emotional needs of the child. Reduced interest in the child, and at times and its complete absence, indifference and lack of initiative drive the child into anguish, loneliness and a depressed state.
  3. Isolating the child. Forcing a child to go to his room every time after disobedience, guilt, and other actions unacceptable to parents causes social degradation of the baby. If, after the slightest violation of the rules set by the parents, the child has to be locked up, and a ban is imposed on walking with friends, he gradually degrades, loses the ability to communicate.
  4. Exploitation of the child. Children who have been subjected to violence through exploitation are deprived of their childhood, their entertainment and joy. They become adults early. The exploitation of the child involves the use of children's forces for the performance of adult duties, for example, housekeeping, the education of younger brothers and sisters, and heavy physical labor that generates profit.
  5. Bullying a child. Constant threats from adults make the child shy and incredulous. As a rule, a kid carries all his emotions and emotions deeply in himself and is afraid to tell anyone about what he is threatened. Threats can be of a very different nature - the threat to kill, maim, send to an orphanage, a psychiatric hospital. If an outsider makes a threat, sometimes it is enough to tell the child that this or that trick is known to his parents, if he does not fulfill, what is required of him.

How to protect a child from this kind of violence? Parents first need to learn to listen and understand their child. Punishment with the help of child isolation and beating will not lead to anything good. There will be even more problems, both in the relationship and the personal life of the baby. Remember that every your wrong step, every carelessly thrown word will remain forever in the heart of the child and will certainly make itself felt if not immediately, then in many, many years. Love, trust, attention, understanding, tenderness, parental care - this is the protection of children from violence. Remember that your kid trusts you, so do not fail his trust, do not try to break it, better find the key to his heart.